Wyze Watch questions

Hi, some questions - my son has epilepsy and the questions below are admittedly very specific perhaps but assuredly extremely valuable to many members of the epilepsy community and I’m sure not limited to just that community.

  1. Does the watch support continuous monitoring of O2 levels, such as for overnight use?

  2. Does the watch support alerts if the wearer’s O2 level goes below a customizable threshold?

  3. Is there a mobile app that can interface with the watch so that we can receive audible alerts if the O2 level goes below a threshold?

  4. Is there an API available for the watch that would allow me an opportunity to extend its function to do the above if it doesn’t (or will not ever) exist?

Thanks much

Hello @oneclick and welcome to the community.

I also suffer from epilepsy, luckily it has been under control for many years. I will try to answer some of the questions.

  1. The watch will take oxygen levels at the rate of 1 reading every 5 minutes, but it would work for overnight use.

  2. This one I am not sure about

  3. The app will sync and give you access to the information, but I am unsure about audible alerts for low O2.

  4. As of right now I have not seen Wyze open up the API on any of the products.

Probably not exactly the answers you were looking for but that is what I currently know.


Will this watch accept normal bands - NOT the plastic ones that cause skin swelling (like the terrible ones that were on the original watch?

Leather bands available to pre-order with watch.


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I know they have bands on sale to replace the silicone one. I am curious if they will accept regular watch bands or if you are limited to what Wyze sells but I do not have the answer to that yet.

Best thing to do I think is consolidate all Wyze Watch questions in 1 article:

Haven’t got mine yet but was advertised to view & control camera’s

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Confused and can’t find clarification:


Thank you very much for your time!

No speaker
No Microphone
No NFC (for payments etc)
No WiFi (helps when you may be home or at work, but out of bluetooth range from your phone)

Nice price point, but missing way too much to be a real consideration.

Will this have the option to keep the face lit all the time like my Samsung does? I know it will use more battery and only last a day or so and not 9 days, but I don’t sleep with mine and don’t mind charging it every night.

I do not work for Wyze, I have been answering questions in which I know the answer. I have not seen any mention that you will be able to do those things. The thread that Wyze employees have been participating in and answering questions is the one I linked below. You may want to ask your question there.

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Now one very simple question is how does it charge? Is it like the other $20 fitness watches that do all the same stuff and just plugs into a USB port to charge? Literally you just take the watch and stick the end of it in a USB port to charge.
OR, is it one of those ones that takes some funky kind of cradle of cable or some extra something that you must have with you to charge it?

USB to magnetic charger. Similar to a MacBook Magsafe.


How do You already have one when they have not been shipped yet?

Those are public images of the FCC filings