Wyze watch 47 - The Drain in Spain? & A Buzz for the Ages!

My wyze 47 watch sometimes will buzz, long, hard & loudly.

What is that all about ? (No alarm or timers set)
The screen, if I can recall correctly, is blank.

The buzz and vibration, scares the heck out of me.
Kinda like thise spy movies. When the “Good Guy, me”. Has a device with bad intentions, strapped to his wrist.

This has happened, to me. Several times, over the last 9 months.

I sleep with mine on (4 sleep measurements), so I don’t want to get burned.

I charged it a day or so ago n that charge is now gone. During nirmal use a charge last 5-6 days.

Has anyone else experienced, either of these issues ?


It seems to be random and disconcerting at the same time.

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Sometimes yes,
Other times,
It just happens, outta the blue.

It’s disconcerting,
I don’t a battery fire on my wrist ? :wink:

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After my first watch 47 was about 9 months old, I noticed a full charge only lasted 2-3 days max. Had to replace it with a new 47C. Still getting 7-8 days out of that one after a few months. Same measurements & settings on all my Wyze watches. BTW, would be nice to be able to pair multiple watches with the app, I own 3 with different bands to coordinate, but can only have one paired at a time

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I would have had the same problem.
But the Wyze band “Silly Strap”, caused
My wrist to break out.

For my Wyze watch, I needed a faux leather band. This helped reduce sweat and irritation, by a mile.

My question is,
When well it answer calls.

Kinda like Dick Tracy’s did. (My 1st Asian smart watch did). Well b4 Wyze had even a band.
(Btw - it’s band was a rash maker too)

Video calls later, much later, too. :open_mouth::face_with_monocle::thinking: