2021-11-11 - Updated to Version 2.26.21, and now my Wyze Watch 47 won’t sync - keep getting the yellow notice: “Sync failed. Please tap here to try again”. Always afraid to update! Always sorry.
Re start your watch,toggle off your Bluetooth and then back On I have the same watch with no issues
Thanks for the idea, but didn’t work. Maybe I’m missing something. After I retry it, it always showed “Connected” and 65%. It used to show 100%. But regardless, every time, I touch the watch icon, I get the yellow warning dropping down from the top of the screen.
Your battery shows65% so it’s not that
Thanks. Today, it spontaneously works - although that number is now 60% - and it’s got nothing to do with my battery, which was at 99% charge both times. That 60 must have something to do with either signal strength or BlueTooth strength. Who knows? Or maybe it’s their current efficiency rating.
Ok the % at the far right after the watch loads is the battery level,on the left you should see 2 chains,connected
OK, got it, kae4560. Turns out (Duh!) that the 65% and 60% are not my phone’s battery charge, but he watch’s. Makes more sense. And yes, it does result in the chain links connecting - but before that happens, there’s always the yellow alert saying the first attempt didn’t work. That’s what always makes me think something is wrong. I’ll just climb back under my rock and be satisfied - OH - except that over the many months I’ve had the great 47, it seems that the battery level gets lower and lower quicker and quicker. I hope that isn’t a sign of worse to come.
From what you have told us so far sounds like a Bluetooth issue toggle off/on your Bluetooth on your phone,power cycle the watch
Also if you tryed to sign out of the app and then sign back in