Start the App, go to Account menu option and then About
In About you will see an option for Beta Program, select that. This is where the Beta FW is for devices you wish to test it on. I select all as I like testing and seeing what it coming.
Select Edit (Top Left), Check the boxes next to the device you wish to test, then click save at the bottom.
THen back out to the account menu and click on FW updates and see if anything is available. if not, go to the Doorbell, settings, Device info and click the FW there. You may be prompted about an update when you start the doorbell.
I think you have to opt in for it. On the android, I have to go to the about section in settings and there’s a beta part in there that allows you to select which devices you want to test beta firmware on
ok that did it. Apparently I havent actually chosen products. I swear I did but it must have been when I only had the v2 cameras. Thank you both for pointing out my issues. Im updating now.
Glad it worked. Look at it this way, .302 caused the VDB to stop streaming or at least you could not connect to it and stream. Everything else seemed to work. So you may have saved yourself some anguish which @falkyre and I went through. you missed the excitment of a FW issue
Just did a quick test on the VDB in my office. The sound is clear and louder than before. I don;t hear any static on the phone. The VDB side seems to sound better than before. But I primarily use the VoIP process as well.
If you want, I can try to do a recording later today.
Anyone notice the motion detection/recording sensitivity is pretty weak on this update? Before when a car drove by I would get a notification/event recording from two V3 cameras and the doorbell. After the update two V3’s same ,but doorbell missing a majority of detectable events.
All sensitivities are set to 100 since before the update. Only difference since I noticed the issue has been the actual update. I have tried lowering sensitivity then setting it back to 100 and also rebooting.
Hello! This fixed my Error 05 when recording events via CamPlus. I still can’t watch past events but the new ones are recording as it should. Thank you!!
I would love to try out the beta firmware for the original video doorbell, but it says you must use the beta android app too. How does this play with others in the family that are NOT on the beta app?
The production firmware seems to have trouble livestreaming for me frequently. I have to click “restart” in the app to get the livestream back (even though you can sync time, change settings, and restart it from the app). It seems to be connected, but does not livestream frequently (I even put in rules to restart it at sunrise and sunset).