Wyze vacuum -- good and bad so far

I am on Android, Samsung Note10+ running the WYZE beta app and look as if the firmware is the same for the vacuum

Same here. Since its new, bug reporting will be very helpful. And then maybe we’ll get a beta to test.

My vac muffed up on its first run out of the box, only cleaned part of the house, and got lost on its way back to charge, and did not save a map… It was only showing ≈60% battery out of the box so when I found it stranded I put it back on its charger and figured I would try again.

The next day the little guy went out and did its job without any problems, and saved a perfect map of the house. Its been out two more times without any issues aside from bumping into the dogs a few times and snuck up on me when I was cleaning too, haha.

I can say this vac isn’t great at dog hair, and will keep running even though the bin is not full, but plugged with fur. I have been watching it and have been pausing its clean cycle to empty the bin as it’s on its route, and that hasn’t really confused it at all, it picks up right where it left off.

Mine can run a 1.4 hour route and make it back to its home on the quiet mode without any problems.

I’m wondering if upping the suction mode will allow it to fill the bin better without clogging up with dog fur. I’m hoping running this thing every other day will let it get ontop of the dog hair problem to the point it can run a full cycle without having to be emptied, but there isn’t much that can keep up with a shedding yellow lab, haha


I received mine yesterday. Connected to wifi (Orbi ‘mesh’) without issue, charged it and let it run. It mapped the space quickly and I’m impressed with the efficiency vs. old Roomba drunken sailor pattern.

However, while running and monitoring in the app it simply dropped from network reporting ‘not connected to internet’. So far I’ve not been able to get it to reconnect. I’ve tried resetting wifi connection but it no longer broadcasts the temp wifi connection to configure.

Stuck with no network connection. Any ideas for more complete reset? Seems as though the wifi module may have died.

I’ve tried a couple more factory resets and finally got it to show its temp wifi. Both clean runs and map were stored and ‘restored’ in the ‘new’ setup. So far so good.

Got the unit 2 days ago. Took a few tries to connect to wifi (saying poor signal twice when it and the phone were physically less than 10 feet from the router). Learned the hard way that the map disappears on manual on/off. Also, just called support and learned that if you move to a 2nd floor, the map from the 1st floor is overridden (not great) so when it’s back on the 1st floor, back to square one.

It does a very good job cleaning and mapping - returned to the base just fine when needed (no manual intervention required) on the 2nd pass.

Thats funny, mine went a little “drunken sailor” last night. No clue why as it pulled my map very well.

Per my layout it even got out of the house and made it’s way through walls, deep freezer, and some other solid objects. Magical :mage:

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Just curious - did Wyze say anything about them adding support for multiple levels (and maps) sometime in the future?

I have a two story home and it’d be a nice feature. I pre-ordered mine and I’m just waiting for it to ship.

Mine has done the same thing over the past two days. I am going to delete the map today and have it reconstruct the map.

I didn’t ask and they didn’t mention. I told them it was not the answer I was hoping to hear - but that didn’t generate any response like “it’s coming in next update” or anything.

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I just had an experience where my robovac disconnected from the network. Walked past it and the home and power buttons were flashing white… popped open the app and a disconnected message appeared. All my other WYZE devices and IoT devices were still connected and working fine.

For fear of losing my map power cycling the vac, I decided to reboot my IoT router ( I have a secondary access point for just IoT) and the robovac reconnected. Map and Virtual walls were still intact.

So trouble shooting step 1 worked but, the idea of having to take down connection to all things sucks, but it took many hours to get my full map.

I like the concept of this device, but implementation is definitely buggy. I ran it after a full charge, it mapped the house, but when it was time to return to the charging station, it complained that it didn’t have enough power so I had to manually dock it. I did.

Once it was charged up again, I tried running it again to have it finish, and the map it had created disappeared. It had to draw it all over again. I forced it to walk around and map part of the house (sucks that we don’t get a remote to manually tell it where to move), and then docked it as soon as it got the map. This time the map was saved and Rooms were named!

I ran it again this morning having it discover the second half of the house. Once it did, I asked it to go back to charge, but it got stuck on the way, and after getting it unstuck and resuming, it completely lost its sense of direction and started adding the wrong map data.

I manually put it back on the charger.

The most annoying part is that if you lose the map, you lose all the zones you had added.

If I understand correctly, if you pause the cleaning cycle before you lift the unit (when it gets stuck) it will not lose the map. Am I correct?

That hasn’t been the case in my experience. The first time I ran it, I paused it a couple of times to empty the dust bin. It still failed to save the map when I had to carry it back to the station.

The only time I noticed it saving the map was when I had it return to the charging station after it had mapped things for a bit.


I still haven’t figured out how to open the dust bin … I feel so stupid but I’m afraid to break it. I’m also losing the map. Though it does create a nice path for cleaning, too bad it didn’t save. I want to add some virtual wall but can’t because the map is gone :frowning:

Took me a while to figure out the dustbin. You have to lift the top cover, there’s a little dip next to the buttons, you lift the black top and then the dust bin is underneath.

I was the same way. It takes a little force, but it will open. I’ll post a picture/ video if the forum allows.

Feedback so far:

I have few rugs which has free fall threads at the ends. It gets stuck and drains the battery right on the rug.

I have decorative steel chairs with 1cm bars at the floor - it tries to climb over it and it gets stuck for several seconds.

Its not able to find the base and looses charge midway cleaning.

Its cleaning the same area and not covering the whole house.

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I will also like to see a way to store more than 1 map, 1 per floor.


So far I am highly impressed…


  • quiet
  • cleans a lot dirt/hair… easy to clean the dust bin (once I figured out how to opened it)
  • love to see live updates as it cleans


  • battery not big enough to clean my 1100 sq ft area w/o stopping to refuel
    • I wonder if by knowing the size of the area left to be cleaned if does already or can calculate/estimate how much MINIMUM recharge needed to finish the job
  • wish I could save multiple maps (at least 2)
  • wish I could manually create areas (rooms)