I think they used to say the v2 (and maybe v3) at HD required 1.5 Mbps upload per cam to stream continuously. Is that right, and how does it compare to this higher res guy?
I assume you can set the res lower if your network isn’t up to the load of multiple cams active at max res simultaneously?
…most everything else Wyze sells ATM are limited to the 2.4 GHz band of 802.11n discussed above. A V2 or V3 camera might generate 150KB/s in live view on that network. That’s 1.2Mb/sec, if the uppercase ‘B’ is Bytes (8 x 150KB). So, it would take a little over 40 cameras live steaming at once to get to 50% of the 100Mbit/s ‘real-world’ throughput of a single-stream 150Mbps 802.11n network.
And it is nearly impossible to have 40 cameras live-streaming at the same time. You would need 40 devices to receive them, because they only do full bandwidth when you are in HD mode, and group mode is 360p.
I have 17 cams online in one capacity or another ATM (I own many more), and although they all send out the occasional event recording and do a little handshaking with the servers, about the most I ever ask the network to do is live stream 4 in 360p group mode on 2 devices at once. So probably not all that challenging to a modern router.
[my emphases]
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