Wyze V3 Pro - Disconnected, MAC Address

I bought a Wyze v3 Pro in March 24 amongst other Wyze Cameras. The camera disconnected (‘offline’) a fortnight ago and despite help from Wyze support we couldn’t get it connected to the network again.

Wyze agreed to replace the device and began the warranty claim process. Part of that process requires the MAC address to be provided. The camera was removed from the app as part of the troubleshooting suggestions from Wyze, it can’t be reconnected due to the fault. I therefore cannot retrieve the MAC address from the app.

I was requested to take a photo of the label on the bottom of the camera. My v3 Pro has no such label (my Wyze OG’s do) and never had the label when I received it.

After a few days back and forward including providing proof of purchase and photos of the camera from every angle, Wyze have declined a replacement as I am unable to provide the MAC address.

I’m perplexed by this decision. The product fault and troubleshooting suggestions prevents me providing it. Further it is not my fault Wyze don’t appear to label v3 Pro cameras.

Is there any other way I can retrieve the MAC address. Does anyone’s v3 Pro’s have a label?

Has anyone else faced similar issues regarding a warranty claim?

V3 Pro cams have a label on the underside of the mount. The MAC and a QR code is on that label. The QR code is also on the product box. If you find the QR code in either location, scan the code with your phone and it will also reveal the MAC. If you have neither, where did you purchase your v3 Pro cam?

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Thanks =). The label was indeed on the bottom of the mount, I was looking on the bottom of the camera as that’s how it was described by the Wyze support team. I have provided the MAC address to the Wyze support team, hopefully they can proceed with the warranty claim.

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Excellent! Glad to be of help. :+1:

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Further problems. Wyze declined warranty, as I reside outside the US/UK. It may not matter, as I’m now having issues with other cameras, suggesting that perhaps I do have a network issue, unless the cameras are dropping like flies.

I have 1x Wyze v3 Pro and 3x Wyze OG cameras. The Wyze v3 Pro stopped working (offline) a few weeks ago. Despite every troubleshooting attempt (re-setup, reset, firmware flash etc) it won’t connect to the network. It verbally announces “unable to connect to specific network name” during setup. I’ve also reset my router, changed network names etc. I thought it was a faulty camera as the 3x Wyze OG cameras were still connected and working perfectly.

2 days ago a Wyze OG disconnected itself (offline). Once again it verbally announces “unable to connect to specific network name” during setup.

And today, a second Wyze OG is now doing the same.

1x Wyze OG is still working, and I have a host of other wifi devices connected to the network without issue.

I have googled, searched forums and feel I’ve tried everything. I am bewildered by what’s happening to the camera’s? Why are they dropping from the network after working fine for months and why can’t they reconnect?

Anyone else had similar issues?

Fixed, my Wyze OG’s and Wyze v3 Pro are connected and working again. The only changes to my setup recently have been installing the new Wyze App v3 and a firmware update, so I can only guess that one of these changes altered things, causing my cameras to disconnect.

Getting them to reconnect goes against Wyze support documentation but worked for me, to reconnect the cameras:

  • My mobile phone had to be disconnected from any Wifi network (5G mobile reception only). Only then could the Wyze app / cameras detect my 2.4ghz wifi network. Whereas the support documentation states your mobile device should be on the same 2.4ghz wifi network that you’re trying to connect the cameras to.

  • Further, I’m not sure if this made any difference but I combined my 2.4ghz and 5ghz networks into a single SSID in my router settings, I previously had them separated. I noticed during camera setup the Wyze App is able to detect and connect automatically to the correct 2.4ghz band. When I had them as seperate SSID’s the Wyze cameras could not locate the 2.4ghz band at all. This could just be a quirk with my router though.

Hopefully this helps someone else.

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