I’m going to try to make this both as brief and thorough as possible. Long story short, I’ve got a Trane heat pump with the following wires:
R (red, jumped with Rc)
O (orange)
Y (yellow)
Y2 (brown)
W1 (white)
G (green)
X2 (black)
B (blue)
I attempted this configuration on my Wyze thermostat and didn’t get power, only a consistent clicking every few seconds:
R to Rc
O to O/B
Y to Y1
Y2 to Y2
W1 to W1
G to G
X2 to W2 / * / C (tried all three)
B to C (left this off when trying X2 on C)
I tested the voltage from the wiring and got 21V from Red to Blue. The configuration the app suggested was to use put X2 (black) to C. I tested the voltage from Red to Black, and it was 27V; however, using neither one of these seemed to give it power. I did notice that using the black wire for C produced a series of faster, unsteady clicks as opposed to the slower, even clicks when using blue, so I’m not sure if that’s significant.
I’ve since put my old thermostat back on as this is a horrible time of year to attempt replacing it, but our old Trane one barely functions anymore as most of the touchscreen is dead (can’t change cool / heat / off, can only turn the temperature down, not up)…so basically, it’s better than nothing, but not by much. Please help!