I’m a Product Manager at Wyze and we’re working to build a simple, reliable, and affordable smart thermostat. We’d love to get our beta samples to be fully tested in your home. The test will start in one week and last for 3 weeks.
To see if you’re a fit, would you mind taking the following survey? It will only take about 3 minutes.
The most important part of the survey is that we will need a picture of your thermostat wiring to validate the compatibility. The Wyze thermostat cannot work with a high voltage (110/220V) system, 2-wire systems (heating only), or proprietary system (e.g., HoneyRedlink, L1/L2 wire).
Our ideal candidates:
Non-smart thermostat users who do not have any experience with connected thermostats.
Complex HVAC systems, home systems with emergency heat, humidifier/dehumidifier, etc.
Long AC runtime. We won’t be able to test properly if the testers do not need heating/cooling in Aug and Sept.
For real. I like my Wyze products. They are inexpensive. But, I’m almost always having an issue with something. Not willing to put up with that, when it comes to my thermostat.
I want to want this. But…history. On top of that…no HomeKit.
@Chuan I completed the form. Hot and humid in Nebraska as we speak. AC is running frequently. Heat pump system. Emergency heat with cold winters. Hope I can be a part of the test! AC usually on into October.