Wyze thermostat heat cool mode switch range

Thermostat will not allow heating and cooling temps with less than 5 degree split. I have many other buildings and thermostats so I know the reason for a split. All my others are 2 degree split.

I have the slider set to max comfort. I have the differential temp set to 0.5 degree. Differential temp setting does not seem to affect heat/cool auto switch.

I see this has been discussed before but not recently. Is Wyze still set on this huge 5 degree auto switch differential?

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This is confusing, do you need to correct? You seem to be against it.

The reason is energy efficiency – so your heating and AC do not fight each other and cost you more money.

As for a compromise:

1.1.7 (May 12, 2021)

Note: Requires 2.20 app version.

  • Heating stage difference is reduced from 5F to 4F


I want the heat/cool differential to be 2 degrees, the same as it is on many other thermostats. There is always a tradeoff between comfort and energy use. The Wyze app has an adjustment for comfort but it doesn’t seem to affect the temperature split range.

You’re confusing differential with changeover / auto mode deadband. These are not the same thing at all.
Any thermostat that lets you set your deadband closer than 4 degrees is probably lying to you, because otherwise your heating system will be fighting with your cooling system constantly.

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I have tstat firmware 1.1.8 and app 2.26.21 … my heat/cool temp diff is still 5 degrees. What am I missing? Thx


What I’d like is to be able to set heat and cool less than 5 degrees apart when strictly in heat or cooling mode. I expected the 5 degree margin when in auto mode, but I found that carried over when switching to heat or cool mode.

If I could set heat to 70 and cool to 73 I’d never have to change it. As it is now I’ll have to switch back and forth between 70-75 and 68-73 whenever the weather changes.

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