I am having issued getting my thermostat working. I went to the compatibility checker and entered the following wires
the checker indicates it is compatible, but when I try to install it, there in no X2 wire to select in the the app.?? My system is a Carrier FAANF036. The thermostat I am replacing is a Weathertron with 8 wires. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I ran into the same issue where the compatibility checker has an x2 and the app doesn’t. You might want to check, in my case it turns out the wire connected to x2 on the thermostat wasn’t actually connected to anything on the other end. Guessing it was a leftover from my old system, and when the new one was installed they just connected it to x2 rather than cutting it off and taping?
This is at the air handler, or at the outside unit?
This isn’t the power source for the system, you can tell because the fuse is not there, It means the power is coming from the other unit.
Are the thermostat wires present in this box? I think this is just a fan control board.