I have just noticed that my sprinklers aren’t going off per the schedule, and when I manually turn them on, they’re not switching zones. The app shows that the zone has switched, but (for example) when I look outside, I can see that my backyard sprinklers are still running, even though they should’ve switched to my front yard sprinklers and the app shows that the front yard is running, but the time is being spent by the backyard.
This is very frustrating and I am wondering how long this has been happening, as I’ve only caught it a few times.
With that said, I’m going to do a reset/roboot/test and see if it resolves itself, but I can say that while I have tried out a few Wyze products, the experience from setup, to scheduling (still have a crap experience with Wyze color bulbs), the way the settings were developed and programmed is almost not worth it for the cost savings.
I appreciate the effort and the desire to be a one-step ecosystem of product variety, but instead of just releasing new products over and over, it may be prudent to stop for a moment, get your software development house in order and spend time resolving these issues. I do not mean to dump on the developers, I am sure they try hard and do their best, I know from experience watching these teams in companies that I have worked for and how much is placed upon them. But I just can’t continue with this issue. It’s a waste of water, money and time.