Wyze Smart Button

Have you filled out the recent survey? It asks questions about the switch and Button. So Wyze may be working on something:


Well its been almost two years, looks like Wyze doesā€™nt really want to make products to make a smart home, just cheap toys to sell.

Fill out the survey in the post above yours. They ask about the Button

Hmm, I didnā€™t see anything about a button, just asking about the existing switch.

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I went through the survey and they asked about a smart button and if I would use one. They also asked what I would use it for.

were you not asked those questions?


Nope. Maybe because I wasnā€™t an existing switch owner?

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Possiblyā€¦ interesting. I figured questions would be the same.

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My guess is that the questions were dynamic based on earlier answers. :man_shrugging:t2:

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As suggested, I filled out the survey. There was nothing on there about a button, so I put that in the fill-in fields. If they make one, I will buy it!

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Nope - nothing about a button on my survey.

No mention of a button for me either.

And Iā€™m one of the tens (hundreds?) of millions of people who canā€™t install Smart Switches because my house wiring is too old.

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I do not have a lot of information I can share about this yet but you will be glad to know I can announce this is now in-development.


Awesome! Looking forward to this one :slight_smile:


Thatā€™s great news, thank you for the update!!


Awesome! My first product suggestion thatā€™s actually being developed!


Yay! Thanks



This is exciting. I know some people have made their own Wyze buttons in the past with 3D printing (and modifying a Wyze Contact sensor with a spring to work like a button).

Hopefully the button will be able to tell the state of a device to know what to do. For example, with lights, if we push the button it should turn the light on if it is off, and turn the light off if it is onā€¦I mean, we could get 2 buttons and have one for on and one for off, but it would be so much cooler if it would just do the opposite of the current state.

Iā€™ll get some either way even if it is just a 1 rule button, but just thinking of how convenient it would be to have state recognition like that.

Oh, we could probably also have it be on schedules, like if I press the button in the daytime then turn the lights on 100% brightness, and if I press it at night, do like 1% on sunmatch. Or any number of other thingsā€¦press a button on the way out of the house and have it turn off ALL the lights, set the thermostat to away, maybe arm the HMS (if it ever gets rules), turn on cameras and notifications, lock all the doors (if they have the original Wyze lock), run the Robot Vacuum while weā€™re gone, etc. These things could be really cool. I look forward to it!


Yea! And stuff like double press, hold, etc


Oh yeah! Good thinking. I guess thatā€™s a good solution instead of doing opposite stateā€¦it could just have one press for on, and double press for off, maybe hold to go to 1% brightness or something. I forgot about all that. I was thinking about all the ways people used the makeshift contact sensors as buttons, but a real button would potentially have many more potential options if Wyze programmed it that way.

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Agreed on the need for a toggle (opposite state), but some low-hanging fruit for Wyze would be to implement it in the Wyze Switch. I can toggle the Wyze Bulbs via the Wyze Switch, but not a Wyze Plug via the Wyze Switch.

So for my lamp plugged into a Wyze Plug, I have to assign two separate Wyze Switch actions to On and Off (such as single press for on and double-press for off). While having the option to turn on and turn off exclusively is good, it really should also include the ability to toggle (change state from on to off or vice-versa).