Long time user of Wyze and propably one of the early owner of Wyze Scale (Calling it OG) and have been very happy with it for last 5 years or so. Now decided to upgrade to Scale-X. Bad decision;
Couple of issues;
How do I Share all my user’s data between the two scales: Scale OG and Scale X? (I’ve 8 of them with all their history? ). I plan to keep them at different parts of the home and then anyone can get on any of the scale and measure and I get the data sync’d.
This is the BIG ONE - Inconsistency in the weight measurement when measuring side by side.
Scale is always 0.5 lbs lower then Scale-X (denoted by X in the pic. The BMI is more than 1% off .
All the profile data is the same in both scales.
Raised issue with Wyze and they keep saying check where you take weight (which is on Hard Floor). Also tried on Bathroom tiled floor) and make sure all the info is same. Hard to believe that’s all they can suggest.
Now I’m not sure which is actually correct. OG or X? Have I had the wrong info all these years with Scale or is the Scale-X wrong? So now I need to buy another weighing scale to measure it and see what I get with it?
Your user data should be shared between the scales, at least mine is, although it may not do that for sub-accounts (for example if you make a profile for your kids or your pet but all of them use your Wyze Account, then it’s possible only your main profile weights will transfer over).
If you have multiple people using the same scale, it’s best to have them all use their own Wyze account and share the scale to them to track their own stuff, then everything will transfer over.
This won’t make a difference. It is a misunderstanding of how smart scales function. The inconsistency in weight measurement between different scales is a common and known thing with basically every single floor scale. The fluctuation range is called the “Tolerance” range and the tolerances grow larger with the more weight being measured.
For example, in one research article that was comparing 3 popular scales, they found the error for the scales tested had varying ranges:
–0.22 to 1.54 pounds
–0.88 to 0.66 pounds
–0.22 to 1.15 pounds
For fat mass, the errors were
–4.85 pounds (range –12.79 to 2.87 pounds),
–9.7 pounds (range –14.55 to 0 pounds),
–8.16 pounds (range –17.64 to 0.62 pounds).
Muscular mass measurement errors were similar:
–4.85 pounds (range –12.79 to 2.87 pounds),
–9.7 pounds (range –14.55 to 0 pounds),
–8.05 pounds (range –17.7 to 0.62 pounds).
Common tolerances for smart scales are usually within ±0.5% to ±1% of the actual weight, It’s not uncommon to have them have average tolerances up to 0.6lbs.
Some companies will only allow their scale to measure in 0.2lbs increments specifically because there are reasons to believe 0.1lbs increments are not accurate enough to rely on anyway.
So, your measurement disparity is actually quite normal, and getting another scale won’t necessarily tell you which one is more accurate because it will also have a tolerance range and could be slightly biased toward one or the other scale even if the lone scale is actually the more accurate one.
You’ll find this same thing with almost every smart scale.
CNET did their own comparison of 10 of the most popular smart scales at the the time and concluded that per their tests, the Wyze scale was the best and the most accurate. I summarize and link to that article here:
I think what is generally more important with scales is the overall consistency of intra-measurement. It is hard to get this when you use 2 different scales that will have a slightly different tolerance range, especially 2 different scale models, regardless of any other factor. It can be convenient to have multiple scales, especially newer models, but then you have to realize that the inter-model tolerances mean there can be a variation as high as over a pound and a half in some cases. Looks like the OG scale and the Scale X are having a tolerance range of up to just 0.5lbs, which is significantly below the average ranges tested in some of the research articles on the issue.
For what it’s worth, I love the OG scale in general, I think it’s one of the best smart scales made. However, I like all the updates in the Scale X that gives cooler stats and are kind of continuous graphs instead of static. The downside is they don’t really sell more of the OG anymore anyway. I think the Scale X has similar tolerances to the OG, but the best option in general is to suggest trying to just use the same single scale over and over again…whether that is with Wyze or any other company. When you rely on 2 different scales, especially 2 different models, this disparity will nearly always happen.
Wish I had better news for you, but I can only explain why you are seeing what you are seeing and explaining that the issue is pretty standard with all smart scales.
Thanks for your detailed response. It makes sense that there is a wide range but it really doesn’t help when your stats get completely off when you switch scales.
As for keeping separate accounts, we use one iPad to connect to the scale so everyone uses that to record the data instead of maintaining multiple accounts and apps/devices. So sounds like it may not be as trivial as I thought. I was thinking of exporting it from one and importing it to another, but then I still can’t use both scales and share. It has to be one or the other anyway as their measurement varies. So I now need to make a decision on which one to keep.