The scale and app generate a lot of data points. I’d like to be able to export the file to any common format.
Also looking to export Scale Data to a Google Sheets file. Or even a MSFT OneDrive file. Or a CSV record file so we can figure-out how to get it to a spreadsheet. Item 2). Now long does data live in the Wyze Scale. The Scale data purges once it is transferred to the App, but how many file records/weigh with data will the Scale hold, and for how long. Figuring there is an amount of data constraint, e.g. file capacity/size. Please advise how may weighs/data or how often we must sync to the App. Thanks!
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The scale collects significant data and I’m wondering how much or how long it gets saved and where it is saved. I think it would be helpful if the user could export this data do a file they could keep and possibly share with their doctor.
My doctor would love to receive my weight logs as .pdf file. if only there was some way to do that instead of editing screen captures.
I’ve always been a little frustrated by not being able to export the Wyze scale weight data so I could do some analysis or present it in a different format. I have figured out a work around, but while it’s not elegant, it will work for my purposes.
- Install the Google Fit app and linked the Wyze scale.
- goto
- export only the Google Fit data (it will take a little time, but a zip file will be sent to your email)
- the file will have way more info than you want / need, but use Daily Summaries.cvs.
- open the file with any spreadsheet apps then delete what you don’t need.
- the weight data from the Wyze scale is in kilograms (don’t ask me why) so you’ll need to add a column to convert the values to pounds (multiply by 2.20462)
The values reported are Average weight (kg), Max weight (kg), Min weight (kg), but in my case they were all the same. I only keep one weight /day (I delete the others if more than one) so that may be why the numbers don’t match exactly with what I show in the Wyze app, but they are close enough for my purposes. For me, I found that my average weight is greater on Saturdays & Sundays and least on Fridays. Interesting and easier to show my Doc rather than a series of screenshots.
I hope this helps until something easier comes along.
I would like to see exported data be only numeric values (i.e. “175” instead of “175 lb”) so that the data could be manipulated and sorted. I could then add a delta column and write a simple formula to generate the difference from day to day. Also, allow reformatting of some columns, like the date-time column per the values in MSExcel.
Allow direct export of Wyze Scale data
I have Crohn’s disease and use your scale to keep track of my weight. Unfortunately, I have no way of giving this data to my doctor to keep on file. Please allow us to export our scale data information via a spreadsheet format or similar.
This is a function that is available today.
On Either Wyze Scale or Scale S go to - Settings, Export Data, enter email of choice and select timeframe.
You will get an email
That contains an .xlsx file with all of the scales data points
Anyone else having trouble with the export function?
I’ve tried it numerous times but have yet to ever receive an email. And yes, I’ve checked the spam folder etc. I’ve also tried having it sent to numerous emails.
Hello @neergaard and welcome to the community.
I just tried to export a week of data and received it fairly quickly. Are you getting any errors or anything?
No errors. It tells me that it will send something, but I never receive any emails. And, like a said, I checked spam and tried multiple email addresses. So, I’m confused…
OK… just tried again. This time I tried not just ALL, but started with the other options (week, month, year), then did all. And low and behold, I got 4 emails.
Nothing different, but now it works. Odd.
I am not sure why it was not before but thank you for letting me know it is working now.
And - as has been stated elsewhere here - mixing numbers and letters is not a standard format and surely not in the Excel (.xlsx) used for the export data.
Presently, it is pretty silly and suggest the programmer didn’t consider any standards what-so-ever. Examples include:
- All cell values are in the ‘General’ format and should be content specific applying the proper formatting (e.g. ‘Data and Time’ is plain text and doesn’t follow standard Excel format)
- Some headers already have units specified - why add them to actual values (i.e. Weight(lb) , (Weight(kg)
- Other headers have no unit - these are added to actual values (e.g. ‘Body Fat’ , ‘Bone Mass’) or not at all (e.g. ‘Metabolic Age’)
Sorry for bumping up an older topic, but I am having what sounds like the same exact issue that neergaard described above.
I have the following product:
- Wyze Smart scale
- Model WHSCL1
- Firmware Cersion 1.1.4
- Plugin Version:
I only recently saw that the ability to export data is there and tried to do that but to no avail. I tap on Export Data … my email address is already there and I have tried it where I leave it like it was and sometimes I delete what is there and re-enter my email address, and I have tried different email addresses, all to no avail … I’ve tried it by selecting the “pre-made” buttons for Week, Month, and Year, and I have also done Custom (keeping the request to 1 year or less) and I receive no email at all.
I have checked my spam folder and have not seen anything there.
I would appreciate any support you can provide, thank you!!
Welcome to the Forum, @matth!
I just tried this again and was successful (I’m using the latest v2.5x production version of the Wyze app on Android with a Scale S). The e-mail message with the attached spreadsheet came from “Wyze Scale Center” <>. I wouldn’t think that whitelisting the address would be necessary, and if you’re confident that your e-mail address is accurate, then I think this would be my next course of action:
- Reproduce the issue.
- Immediately after that, submit a log. This should generate a confirmation e-mail message to you. (If it doesn’t then it may indicate a problem with the e-mail address associated with your account.)
- Follow the advice in the log submission confirmation e-mail and create a Support ticket, otherwise the engineers may not have a problem subscription to associate with the log (they reportedly receive A LOT of logs, and it’s difficult for them to take action without a relevant ticket or other reference).
@Hersir, I’ll give ya another example of the “silly”:
There’s clearly room for improvement with this feature.
Thank you, Crease, for your quick reply and helpful suggestions!
I just submitted a log and am now on with a tech support person, so here’s hoping!!
I’ll report back if they come up with any sort of solution.
You’re welcome. I’m glad that you’re getting assistance, and I enjoy reading follow-up posts whenever someone has a successful resolution. I hope that will be the case with you.
I really like the data export feature and would still like to see it improved. One cool thing that it does already is send essentially a tabbed workbook where each spreadsheet in the book has the data for each “user”. In my case, I periodically use the Scale S’s Pet Mode, so doing a data export sends me the weight history for the animals whose weights I’ve recorded, each on its own named tab.
I apologize for the long delay in responding!
I contacted Wyze twice about this and was given generic advice about how to connect my phone to the scale (which is not the issue at all), sigh.
Then I thought about it: we have two additional Wyze Scale S devices on our account. Hmmmm. I went into one of them, followed the Export Data steps, and within about one minute, I had the email with the attached data, woohoo!
Shame on me for not thinking of trying that WAY sooner! One reason I didn’t think of it is that I never use either of those scales—I always use the one located in the bathroom off our bedroom. Apparently, with multiple scales associated with the same account, the data is shared between them. If I weigh myself on “scale 1,” I can open “scale 2” or “scale 3” and see the same weigh-in data I just did. I guess it goes off the account and the user being weighed? Interesting though, and you’ll see below how it comes into play again.
While searching online for how to get historical Wyze Scale data into Garmin Connect, I came across the site/service SmartScaleSync and boy, it REALLY works! The owner/originator of the site even emailed me about a slight issue, which he corrected very quickly. I was hesitant to use the service because you have to enter your Wyze login credentials for it to work, but the allure of having it sync automatically every day wore down my security concerns, lol.
I was able to import all my old Wyze Scale data into Garmin Connect, and going forward, it has sent my scale information over every day without fail. This is definitely something that should be supported natively within Wyze in the “Sync Data to 3rd Party Apps” section (like it is with Fitbit and Google Fit), but until that happens, SmartScaleSync bridges the gap very nicely. You can also have it sync to about 12 other destinations, which is cool too.
An interesting side note: during the “one-time historical import of data to Garmin Connect,” the method SmartScaleSync used to access the data resulted in it being received in triplicate. After a couple of back-and-forth emails with the creator of SmartScaleSync, Patrick Renschler, he determined that this was due to there being three scales on the account, which I found interesting.
Thanks again for your help with this—it was nice having someone to commiserate with about the issue. I appreciated hearing the steps you took, knowing that someone else had the same type of problem, and that it wasn’t “just me,” etc.!
Take care,