Wyze rules issues

Im not sure if this is the right place to post about it, otherwise let me know and ill move it.

As you all know, I have a v3 wyzecam that ive used for a few years now. Part of its use is the rules function, primarily in my case to have an overnight monitor for my camera during the night. As of late for a few weeks now, I noticed that for a bit I had my START function behave as it should, then the complete would fail. After re creating the rules, I noticed that for a bit both were working, however my start function now works but i see no entry for the end? Im a little confused at what is going on and or what the issue is. Is anyone else noticing weird issues around scheduled rules for their cameras or other wyze products? Is there a service issue at wyze concerning this? Any help with this would be appreciated. Thanks!

Not having issues with my rules.

Can you post an image of your complete rule?

With that, we all can see if anything stands out.

Sure, first pic is the rule setting in question, and the second is the log of it running. I dont see failures anymore, and it always happens when the rule shuts off. I do have a script running 5 minutes after this schedule completes to see if motion sensing needs to be on or not (depends if im home or not). Im not sure if that is interfering, though when I do check the camera in the morning, despite the weirdness, it is always set correctly so this may be a non issue.

As of late it seems to be behaving itself again mysteriously. Not sure what the root cause was, but will monitor incase it re appears.

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