Wyze reviews/ratings out on the web

Just curious…has anyone been out on the web and searched reviews and ratings for wyze? It’s a bloodbath. If I had not started out so early with wyze back in 2018 and waited until wyze had time to accumulate a reputation, I probably would not have bought even one camera :frowning:

Who cares? Do you really purchase items/services based on internet reviews? :rofl:

I do. Yes.

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Have you read what wyze has been up to over the years? Very questionable.

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If it is on internet, it must be true then! :upside_down_face:

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You are always free to try another company, that is what I would do if I was totally dissatisfied. Go to the BBB web site and read negative reviews/complaints about LOREX, big :heavy_dollar_sign: :heavy_dollar_sign: :heavy_dollar_sign: cameras. :grin:

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I still have to find a perfect product of any kind. Everything man made has issues.


When you find hundreds of negative reviews/ratings across several websites, yes, there is an extreme likelihood that there is something to it.

I wasn’t dissatisfied until yesterday when wyze changed everything about the event playback screen. Before that I had been mostly satisfied since 2018 with these 13 cameras.

I for one I don’t see any changes to the event playback screen except now you have to swipe down or up to go to the next event. Maybe I am using it differently than you :thinking:

EDIT: In all honestly, when the 3.0 was first introduced in beta I hated it and I was pretty loud about it. The latest version has closed all the gaps and I really like it. Now, I can confidently say that it is better than 2.5. Once they fix landscape and dark mode it will be perfect.


Not my Samsung S24. :grin:

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I can verify that. A true whiner. :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

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:+1: :sob:

Sorry. Morning Tourette’s :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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Nothing to be sorry about, you spoke the truth :slight_smile:


I could use more self-control.

Some people never mature.

I enjoy your commentary. :slightly_smiling_face:


No need with me. If I can dish it out I should be able to take it in :wink:

Are you referring to me? :rofl:
