Their grass looks greener 👀

A competitor was recommended discreetly over here:

I did a quick lookup and had to laugh at the reviews at the top of the list:



Like Longdog sez :point_down:

  :telescope: :grin: :microscope:

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Is there a standout comparison of Wyze and its competitors that you’re aware of?

I’m not looking to jump ship but a comprehensive comparison of cams and services would be interesting. :slight_smile:

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We typically don’t do this sort of thing as our competitors come out with new/different cameras all the time so it would be hard to maintain the list.

Probably not the answer you’re hoping for haha, but it’s the truth. HOWEVER, if someone wanted to make one and maintain it…, I’d be willing to think about putting it out on our site with some vetting.


Never had a single problem with kuna. And the grass really IS greener on the other side!

Sent from my mobile device. Please excuse the brevity, spelling and punctuation.

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Oh yeah, my ‘had to laugh’ remark was because the complaints were similar enough to some that have been posted here over the years you could almost call them ‘generic.’

Wyze is hardly a devil but I know them well and I have near-zero motive to dally. I’m of the opinion lately that I’ve been underestimating the value they offer because I use only a small subset of it and am plenty happy.

I don’t have a passion for this surveillance stuff and I hate that it’s trending toward ‘necessity.’ :man_shrugging:


gotta love it. :+1:

What are they putting in your Cheerios? I need me some of that. :grin:

Trouble =

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:laughing: …competent people of good will and good faith speaking the truth.

Fwiw, I’m upping my rating to ‘Pretty good.’ :slight_smile:

I continue to receive a lot of value from the v2/v3 cams, bulbs, plugs and rules I use to coordinate them.

The rating change is due to a ‘sense’ of steady improvement in firmware update reliability, and in their handling of problems that do arise. Also, person detection is miles ahead of where it was, in my experience.

Things are trending toward stability, I think, and that’s not nothing.

  • 8 v2 & v3 cams,
  • Cam Plus Lite
  • Android
  • 2-node mid-level mesh Wifi
  • 500/20 dn/up internet
  • Accessed mostly locally (wifi vs cell)
  • Nothing shared
  • 2-story, wood frame, lathe & plaster construction
  • Multi-family neighborhood (lots of competing signal)
  • Did more fine tuning (over time) than the average person probably would
  • Advanced non-pro tech skills
  • Comfortable and ok with troubleshooting
  • Fairly patient

It’s big. It’s complicated. It’s growing. And we do not control all the variables :woman_scientist:t2:

Dang. This is absolutely amazing to hear. Legitimately makes me so proud and I will share this positive feedback with our team that works their butts off to make this happen.

Stability isn’t sexy but damn it is most important.

Also… what can I do to get you into Cam Plus Unlimited? Feel like you’re a perfect candidate for this plan.

For people who hate subscriptions. I’ve thought about offering 2 year or even 5 year plans and big discounts. Idk. I’m trying over here.


Reproportion your 500/20 bandwidth to 420/100, add more cams and hop on the Cam Plus Unlimited train. :grin:


Yeah, I can do that. I’ve been teetering. This is a good time to try it out, I think.

The Web Portal alone is a strong incentive, Matt. I expect you’re gonna make it rock. :slight_smile:

No worries here. $99/yr is a good value.

BTW, the Wyze app feels more (snappy and) solid, too. Like you’re steadily ‘pulling it together.’ I think you guys are starting to hit your stride. :+1:


Thanks, 'pup, I’ll look into that. It’s cable and if they do it they sure don’t make it well known. Their competitor (fiber) is symmetrical 500/500 so that should give them an incentive to allow. :slight_smile:

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:astonished: I wish, my 2.4 network is about 90 down and 23 up. My 5.0 network is 560 down and 23 up.

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Interesting, how may cams will stream simultaneously on the Web Portal with your paltry 23 up? :wink:

I turn on the Web Portal maybe once every two months just to see if it works. I only have 7 plug in cams and they all show up and don’t know how long they will stay connected, not interested.

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Huh. Good to know, thanks! :slight_smile:




Well said. :slight_smile: