Sunrise/Sunset rules/schedules were part of the “new rules engine” which was being rolled out to users in a phased/staged approach. If it hasn’t been rolled out to your account yet, it will shortly. So the answer to this question is, yes. I have numerous sunrise/sunset schedules and all have performed accurately and without fail for months. You’ll need to turn on location access from your phone/tablet or manually set location in order to obtain daily sunrise/sunset times. Here’s an example setting up a sunrise/sunset-based rule/schedule for a Wyze Plug and color bulb:
Ok, thanks for the snapshot. Needs to replace these Wemo units they are all malfunctioning. Not responding to commands lately.
This is the rule I have on my Wemo so seems similar to Wyze.
After turn on for 30 minutes, turn off. I mainly use this for a heater so i don’t forget to turn off at night.