Wyze Outage and Investigation of Security Issue

Mine have been loading all day, even a few min. ago. V3, WCO, V3 Pro cams using iOS app.

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I just go to a store, buy a new v3 camera, put my old v2 in the v3 box and return it. Wyze never replaces items or honors their warranties, so just do this scam to retail stores, itll cost wyze quite a bit of money dealing with RMA.

Nope not cool, the retail store gets screwed.

Besides all that effort for a $20-30 disposable camera :roll_eyes:


I donā€™t appreciate that my cameras feeds are being sent to and/or controlled by a third party (AWS). I donā€™t recall ever giving Wyze permission to share my video data with anyone. Whatā€™s then worse is blaming that third party for my video data being leaked!! This is absolutely unacceptable. Iā€™m sick and tired of companies abusing their customers in these ways.

We just posted an update containing copies of emails sent out to users. The link to the thread is below:


Not even taking responsibility for their own systems, blaming a third party which they chose, is just throwing salt on the wound. A spit in the face of their customers.

This company is very hard to get in contact with my service has been out since Friday and Iā€™ve tried everything to connect it back I see that yā€™all had a outage and this has interrupted my service none of my cameras are not working please help
If not I would like to get a refund so that I can find another company I truly donā€™t want to put my safety comes first
Thank you
[Mod Edit]

[Mod Note]: Personal information has been manually removed for privacy and security reasons.

It fixed itself after a power outage in my neighborhood got fixed lol

Thank you for doing the right thing and notifying everyone. It seems that some people responding are just miserable people and love to complain. You were the 1st company to put out a functioning, inexpensive product and for that, Iā€™ll be loyal.
Keep doing what youā€™re doing and donā€™t get sidelined by negative responses.


Well said. Tech and security issues can happen with any system. They did the right thing and followed up on it, and itā€™s not like theyā€™re sitting around doing nothing in general.

From their email today:

It does not reflect our commitment to protect customers or mirror the other investments and actions we have taken in recent years to make security a top priority at Wyze. We built a security team, implemented multiple processes, created new dashboards, maintained a bug bounty program, and were undergoing multiple 3rd party audits and penetration testing when this event occurred.


I donā€™t appreciate that my cameras feeds are being sent to and/or controlled by a third party (AWS). I donā€™t recall ever giving Wyze permission to share my video data with anyone. Whatā€™s then worse is blaming that third party for my video data being leaked!!

I donā€™t think you fully understand the incident, the layers, and how cloud storage systems work. The tech behind these types of security systems is ubiquitous no matter the company. If youā€™re not satisfied with that, you can build your own local security system and cloud storage server.


Was not notified on my account. Been a customer for 5 years. Really bad.
But the app was advertising cam plus to meā€¦
Maybe have the department doing the marketing work in the app trade with those doing the security work?

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I never consented to cloud storage at all. I most definitely did not consent for Wyze to send my video streams to their ā€œpartnerā€ company without my permission. This failure is totally unacceptable and the blame falls 110% on Wyze. Not on any of their mysterious ā€œpartnersā€, who again, we never consented to.

The failure is not the outtage. The failure is their giving our video feeds to a third party in the first place.

( And, by the way, I have worked in IT for 30+ years. I have an excellent understanding of how it all works. But that is irrelevant. I never gave consent for Wyze to share my video feed data with any third party. Period. Shame on Wyze for this unethical conduct. )

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Trying to blame your incompetence and utter lack of security and ability to run a ā€œhome securityā€ company on AWS is really not a good lookā€¦

Read Terms of service paragraph 5. :grin:


When you created your Wyze account, you agreed to the Terms of Service & Privacy Statements. Please take time to read your agreements with emphasis on Section 5.

You may also wish to read the Wyze Data Security & Trust page for an explanation of how and why your data is used and protected with regards to 3rd parties.


Iā€™ve waited patiently over the course of this outage, not wanting to make things worse by trying major resets. Thatā€™s because Iā€™m seeing a different problem from the outage that Iā€™ve not found on any of the current threads.

I had 7 Outdoor Cams, 2 Floods, and 1 Sprinkler, as well as 4 Cam Plus subscriptions. None of that is currently visible on the iOS app, or mywyze. I can log into my account on wyze.com, but if I try to access devices it routes to mywyze and I get a pop up banner ā€œThis page isnā€™t working right now. Please try again later, or contact us for assistance.ā€ It then spins forever with a ā€œReroutingā€ circle. My iOS Mc app Home page shows an image from my first camera view, a WyzeCam V1 that hasnā€™t been in service since 2020, marked as ā€œOfflineā€. Firmware tab shows its due for an update that doesnā€™t really exist since it is a discontinued model. Thereā€™s no other information related to current devices anywhere on my app (has, ā€œwantsā€ All cameras that I had up before 2/16 are still communicating with Wyze, since they are detecting motion and reporting a thumbnail to my iPhone, but when tapped I get an ā€œ01ā€ failure to download from cloud, and since I canā€™t access the device I canā€™t send a ā€œdeveloper logā€ to Wyze as the pop up suggests.
Cam Plus is working on those that have it because they are still defining the object detected, such as Vehicle, etc. (I havenā€™t power cycled or restarted any Outdoor Cams, since it didnā€™t work on the Floods, and once I do they will probably disappear, since I have no way to configure them from anywhere. At least they are still working as motion detectors for security purposes.) Of course, the Sprinkler has no voice, so I donā€™t know if it is still communicating.

Iā€™ve gone through power cycling the Floods, power cycling the router, switch, and base station. Iā€™ve cleared my app, restarted my phone. Iā€™ve done all multiple times over the weekend. Iā€™ve submitted a log (you only get so many words to submit) and chatted online with support who do the best they can with the information they are provided.

It seems that my account is corrupted (since I canā€™t access it normally from any device and abnormal info appears on it), and since that doesnā€™t seem to be anything being reported on the Forums, I thought I would get eyes on it. Iā€™m hoping that there are only a few ā€œscrambled bytesā€ in my case, and this isnā€™t a bigger problem with the entire system than we think at this point. The Forums are beginning to quiet down related to ā€œno serviceā€ reports, but there may be more out there like me that are still waiting patiently and not speaking outā€¦

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AWS is ā€œAmazon Web Serverā€ā€¦?
Iā€™d expect Amazon to have better support for high volume traffic & mixing up device IDs under high load would seem very poor if it turns out to be the cause.

At least Wyze have learnt from last time & their response was quick & reply seems sincere.

I would still prefer to be notified by the app that there is an event rather than finding out from a Technews website but I guess they jump on this kind of thing for clicks so itā€™s hard to be faster than them & still have something clear & precise to say.

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Thereā€™s no way youā€™re this misinformed.

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