Got my second lock today and set it up. Noticed trash mode so I check the firmware it’s at 2.113.0 but my EA lock is still at 2.111.0. Anyone know how to upgrade the lock firmware?
Let me kick this back to life. I have multiple Wyze locks running different firmware versions as well, I see no option to upgrade the firmware like I have on all my other Wyze devices. I do not see any changelog info either. What is the process around the lock firmware?
This is an issue. I also have an EA lock and the firmware does not update. Also, is there somewhere on the Wyze web site that we can look up the current firmware versions for their products? Unless I actually bought another lock, I wouldn’t know that the firmware was old and needed updating. Also, I believe Trash Mode is connected to the new firmware version, as my EA lock does not have the Trash Mode feature.
Has this been resolved yet? My firmware still reads as well.
No. Last I heard is that a technical specialist at Wyze believes it is a defect with the EA locks. I am still waiting for confirmation from them.
Hello all,
We will be updating Wyze Lock firmware to soon to all soon.
EA Wyze Locks were shipped with firmware. was shipped out to newer lock shipment. Both firmware will be updated to soon.
Thanks for the update, will there be a change log
Please let us know after it takes effect, so that we can check to see if the update actually worked. Thanks.
How long is soon? I’m still at and curious how much longer it will be?
Thank you
You should see the firmware by now. Can you PM me your lock S/N? Let me check on what’s going on.
Thank you.