Wyze Lock - ability to unlock when internet is down

Wyze support indicates in the support article https://support.wyze.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035457272-Can-I-still-enter-my-home-if-WiFi-goes-offline-**strong text** that you can still unlock the lock if the internet is down and I have not be successful in see how that is possible. How do you tell the lock to unlock since the app will not even show the devices unless it has an internet connection. So without being able to get to the lock page to tell it to unlock how would that be possible. Keep in mind you may not have the auto unlock feature enabled since that is another feature and is not required for this, besides that would require you to leave the geofence and come back in again and have location services turned on and that may not be your desired settings.

The article says to simply connect the lock through bluetooth and unlock it,

In your scenario your home WiFi that the lock is connected to is down AND for some reason you don’t have cellular data either, so you can’t start the app, correct? I have had the lock for several months and have not had that situation come up before. But even in that situation I could still open the lock with the key, like a caveman…

I had just installed the lock and was testing all the features. I know I can unlock it with the key but in the FAQ section wyze indicates you can connect to bluetooth and just unlock it via the app, so I was testing that. So when the internet is down the app will not show any of the devices so you can’t get to the lock page to unlock it. You can’t assume a data plan because of rural setting and some people don’t bother to have a data plan anymore and just rely on wifi because the expense seems to be in the data plans.