Wyze Leak Sensor - First Impression

I had my very first live leak, at my kitchen sink! I shouldn’t be this excited about it but I am. This was not a test.

Everything executed as designed.
My Rules set off the camera alarms, (examples above)

I hopped out of my home office chair excusing myself from a user story pointing event, to investigate, shutting the alarm off (three camera Sirens are very loud) from my Shortcut rule enroute to the leak (shown above) to find a very small amount of water that slipped through while my daughter was cleaning her coffee making “devices” (oddly she has a lot, my knowledge of coffee is that it looks like muddy water and tastes like turpentine)

The Wyze leak detector identified the water, sitting next to my other device that I have not retired yet (That device did not detect the water, where the Wyze sensor sits lower to the surface than the other device, obviously alerting me sooner than the non-Wyze device would )

I am very happy with the results!

Yes, I painted the bottom of my cabinet with Flex Seal… and I LOVE IT.