Wyze Lamp Sockets?

When I open the app it turns off lights that the app turned on. I’m confused.

If this helps at all…

iOS app = 3.3.0 (6)
Cam v3 =
Lamp Socket =

As I understand it, the app needs the camera to turn the lamp sockets on. If it’s based on a time schedule or a motion event matters not for my issue.

When the lamp socket is on and I, for whatever reason, open the app like by clicking on the event notification I get for a different camera - er whatever, and I accidentally open the other camera with the light on’s screen - that scheduled light promptly turns off and remains off. If there is a motion automation … that works but the scheduled - on from sunset to 11PM is history.

That’s the PITA. If a schedule is set to turn on the light, say from sunset to 11PM … and I open the app (for whatever reason) during that lamp on scheduled time – that lamp goes off for the rest of the scheduled time period.

I must be doing something wrong and there’s an easy fix. Right? A little help please?