Wyze Lamp Socket won't light automatically, with small amount of sunlight in room

The app settings are Auto/On/Off. For auto to function, the light level has to be very very low. This is an issue, because there is a low amount of sunlight in our basement. It is very dark at the bottom of the stairs, but because of the small amount of daylight sensed by the camera, it will not trigger automatic light mode. This is a feature that I would like to request. I want the socket light to be able to turn on with motion, regardless of light levels in the room. The only option I have now is to set the light to be On all the time. The schedule I have not tried, but it appears to need light detection as well.

Edit: I think I have found a work around, using Automation settings.
(click for full image)

Update #2: I updated the firmware for all cameras and sockets. Created an Automation. My lights will now come on for 15 minutes, even in low or bright light. In “Lamp Socket Control”, make sure the setting is On, because rules, automations, and schedules appear to override the On status.