Wyze lamp socket not following schedule times anymore

@WyzeDesmond Just want to show you my new findings.

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May I know what are your current settins? Do you have both person detection rule enabled as well as regular motion turn on light enabled also?

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It follows my schedule for 2 minutes then turns itself off when it’s supposed to stay on untill 4 am.

Understood. Could you please help me submitt one more log fot this v3? THank you!

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How do I do that?

If you go to settings of your lampsocket camera, go to wyze support, then submit a log. Please pass me the ID number of your ticket.

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Log ID: 728888

Thank you! I will take a look into this.

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Hi. Just to double check this issue. We go over your log and notice you actually have 2 lampsockets. And they are combined with each other right now. Is that correct?

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Correct. They’re both connected under 1 setting.

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I see. From the log what we can tell that one lampsocket is following schedule first no problem. But then get turned off after two minutes since the other lampsocket is off. Since both sockets are combined the first socket will follow the second one to turn itself off also. Any chance you could seperate these two sockets apart to see if the schedule works? THank you!

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Is it possible to separate 2 lamp sockets from 1 setting? I already tried making separate rules for them but they still follow each other.

Yes you can separate 2 lampsockets. From the manual it says “If installing multiple wyze sockets, turn them on within 30 secs of each other to group them together”. Which means if you install one first and then isntall the second one after few minutes there will be no group or network betweem these two. I personally would recommend you setup from beginning . Thanks!

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Both lamp sockets followed the schedule perfectly last night. Thank you for your help!


NP. Glad it works.

(post deleted by author)

any update on this new rule?

I’m still experiencing the timer setting being ignored. Thought it was fixed for a few days in late September, but reverted back to staying on after being triggered by motion.
Very annoying. Any progress on fixing this?

I realize I am responding a year later, but this problem still exists. Rule will take effect on a lamp socket, but if you open the detailed camera view screen, it will revert back to the state of auto/on/off switch. So, schedules will not work with lamp socket, unless you never open camera view screen.