My brand new Wyze Headphones are pumping static in through the right headphone in both “Private” and “Environment” mode. Have been forced to only use in “present” mode as the is the only mode without this defective noise.
Welcome to the forums! Have you given Support a call about this? This is a user to user forum and i’d say calling into Support will get you the fastest answer, or at least get the ball rolling for a hopefully positive solution. I don’t have the headphones myself so I cant provide any personal experiences with them. Ive skimmed the forum and don’t see any similar issues that others have reported.
Wyze Support:
By phone: (206) 339-9646 Available Monday - Friday 5 am - 6 pm PT and Saturday 8 am - 4 pm PT
The tips on the Support pages for the headphones audio issues is fairly minimal, but have you checked this out and tried these troubleshooting recomendations?
Thanks Tony - calling now, was trying to figure out a way to call, was only getting email options. Calling now!
Afirm. Let us know how it goes! Thanks for the update!
Thanks for the heads up @Omgitstony - they are going to be exchanging them as a factory reset did not resolve the issue.