4 days and Wyze still hasn’t said a word about the Notification/Person Detection problems that have been widely reported. Even just to say we’re looking at it.
I understand the weekend because a company trying to establish itself as a security/monitoring service wouldn’t have anyone available Saturday or Sunday (sacasm if you didn’t realize).
Interesting that the problems seem to be related to the Person Detection (Pilot) that Wyze desperately wants to get rid off.
This is actually disgraceful, no way to treat your customers. Remember when Wyze wanted monthly money for the person detection, they said we were “family”.
It seems everyone’s experience is different. I too was experiencing delays or no notificaitons. However, I believe something has changed with the CamPlus as I am being notified consistently from both my V2 and V3 Cams for Person detection. I am currently testing the WCO and it started reporting as well. However, there were some issues which I submitted the logs for.
I am running the following versions of the devices, curious if you have the same setup:
My versions are the same (no ios but I do have v1’s). The consistent problem I’ve seen in posts revolves around person detection (pilot) which doesn’t apply to v3’s
I actually gave up the Pilot version of Person detection. I purchased the CamPlus for 5 camera’s. It has been working like a champ so far. Yes, there has been some issues as you will see in the Forums, and even from me, but as I said, I am being notified regularly now. I know they are doing some form of an update on 2/3 at 1 am, hopefully this will make it more stable.
So my V3 and V2 do provide me with Person, Vehicle and Package Detection.
The main point - that it would be nice for Wyze to acknowledge an issue - stands. They’ve now scheduled some maintenance that might address some kind of issue, but no one’s actually said that.
Edit: never mind, just realized they put up a banner about it !
But framed around notifications and not PD / announcements.