Wyze Duo Doorbell camera Red/Blue disconnecting cycle when going into "sleep mode"

I’m wondering if I am the only person experiencing this issue. I purchased a Wyze Duo Doorbell camera a few weeks ago and I’ve extensively troubleshooted with it.

Here’s how I have it setup:

Battery powered. While powered the Duo Doorbell camera would go into a “sleep mode” after a few hours. Upon trying to “wake it up” by moving my hand or standing in front of the camera, the red/blue lights on the ring of the camera would cycle back and forth and within the app the Duo Doorbell camera would display as disconnected. The odd part is if I click on the WiFi signal in the app, I would still see bars as if it’s somehow still connected. I tried disconnecting it from the WiFi network, rebooting the router, trying 5ghz vs. 2.4ghz, connecting only the camera and not the chime, with no success.

Wyze sent me another Duo Doorbell camera and it is experiencing the exact same issue. The dreaded red/blue light cycle continues after a few hours.

The only “fix” is to remove the battery and place it back in the unit. Then the Duo Doorbell camera will work for a few more hours before it goes back into “sleep mode” and upon motion or “waking up” the red/blue disconnect cycle begins again.

I also kept the Duo Doorbell camera inside near the router in hopes of verifying if it’s a WiFi issue. It does not appear to be. My other 5 Wyze V4 cameras are working without any issues.

Is anyone else facing this issue? I would really like to get this to work since I currently have 2 Wyze Duo Doorbell cameras that are basically paper weights now.

Wyze support has been not so great as they didn’t even want to take back the first Duo Doorbell camera so the Engineers can diagnose this issue. They are now willing to take both units back and give me a refund + a $10 gift card for the inconvenience.

I’d really like to get this to work before returning the 2 Duo Doorbell cameras.
