Would be nice to have another wedge with more angle. In my case the old doorbell was mounted at an awkward spot and facing the other wall. The existing wedge gave me a little angle but would love for it to face more straight ahead of the entrance.
Perhaps model one up with tinkercad and someone could 3d print it? What angle are you looking for? Mine hasn’t shown up yet, so I don’t know the exact dimensions of the base.
Well they say the included wedge is 30° angle, and as you see on the picture above my door is to the left. Maybe a 45°+ angle would be much better and capture more ahead.
Of course, my entrance is different than yours. I think that a 15 degree wedge would be perfect for me. I agree that there should be more wedge options.
My angle of view is about the same as yours, Phubu 'cuz it’s mounted on wall perpendicular to door. Need 90° wedge. In the mean time, I get a nice view of the neighbor’s driveway.
I installed my with the included 30 degree wedge (right Image) and it was ok, but not ideal.
i found a 45 degree wedge on Etsy (left image) and it much better. The seller said 45 degrees was a steep as he could go to still accommodate access to the screws but I think it could have gone even steeper with a little tweaking but overall I am very happy with the 45 degree wedge.
Looking for a better doorbell wedge that allows for a view of my front port home. I have a blind spot of anyone standing on the opposite site of the doorbell closer to the house from the position it’s in. I flat mounted it too but was even worse .