Hi all,
I have a new Wyze video door bell and have a major issue. The notification from the time it detects a person and it notifies my phone is about 35 to 40 seconds. Not acceptable, its actually useless. Side walk to my front door is about 25 feet. The mailman walked up to the house put mail in the box and walked away down the sidewalk before the doorbell notified me. Has any one else had this problem? I called Wyze support spoke to a very nice person, did some adjustments they did not fix the problem so I’m turning to you all for some insight. If this is how this bell works then it is going back. And I’ll get something that responds in 2 to 3 seconds not 30 to 40 seconds.
After some checking and another call to Wyse helpline I decided to try a extender , and that solved my problem. I guess that the 2.4 ghz has poor distance power. The doorbell is only about 30 ft from the router. I did not think that was the issue, but it was. So if anyone is having issues with their doorbell this may be a solution.
Thanks for the update. Is it an open line of sight to the router? Or what are the construction details or things that are between the doorbell and router?
I have 2 walls wood and sheet-rock nothing special. A 2.4 gig signal should pass through that with minimal attenuation. I checked the speed at the doorbell with a tablet and was getting about 30 mgb each way, that should be good for this unit. I can stream on the Ipad 60 feet away from the router with out any problems. My wifi to the house is 200 +mgb.