Ah, OK. I guess I am being overly dense. I haven’t had my coffee yet…
Can’t believe they sent that as an email. Guess I’m getting old, because I found it very annoying.
My take on it is that if they are really trying to sell 5000 of these tomorrow, they will want to get the word out to the target audience a quickly as possible. Email would be the only way (other that an alert in the Wyze app saying “Motion detected in the Wyze Warehouse!”).
if this was real it would have to include a decent battery for the car and camera? both for $50? and if you look at the picture, its not a “car” but more of a dune buggy.
I received it as well. Would love it , if it’s real. Sounds like a fun treat.
I notice that the White V2 is no longer listed as being sold on their website, just Black.
Elite Spy Vehicle doesn’t mean a CAR. Sounds more like a Drone. Which sounds more likely coming from WYZE. Maybe it’s a security drone?
Does anyone remember this?
I know that reading all the words isn’t always the favorite thing for people, so I’ll help you out.
"Discreetly disguised as a common remote control toy car, Wyze Car is the newest generation of Video Reconnaissance anti-Obfuscation Objective Machines, or VROOMs for short. "
Stop trying to find a way to make this real. The acronym is even silly.
Let’s break it down.
- It reads like commercial copy - so what they couldn’t afford to actually film a commercial and release it, so they just cut & paste into an email?
- Wyze has not been around for “several decades”.
- VROOMs are not a thing
- If it can work with V2, it can work with V1 (same form factor)
- “concealed the remote control inside an app” - who was writing this dribble
- If they truly did spend a fortune on R&D, there would be 50,000 units available, not 5,000
If you still think this is real or has the chance to be real… I have an NFT to sell you.
I just can’t wait for it. I’ll use it for work with the kids
Would be a cool feature if the wyze vaccum had a port for a v2 cam and could enter a sentry mode
Wyze car… april fools… you guys are dirty… all of you…
I got it too. lol
Hey, I showered today. I even remembered to use soap this time!
Wyze way of making april fools joke is when everyone thinks its april fools joke and they actually come up with the product. The joke is on you!
If you believe that the words “We’re not pranking you” mean it’s not an April Fool’s joke, then I have a large bridge in NYC that you might be interested in. I can let you have it for a song. I’m not kidding!
It’s a signed document! I guess if you have a signed document in your possession, you can’t go wrong .
Regarding the Wyse Car teaser - Do a web search for the WowWee Rovio. I had one of those that did everything teased and it had its own docking station that it would find and return to and charge itself. It also had a kind of in-house location system with IR beacons that could be installed around the house so it could find its way around. I set it up so I could maneuver it around remotely from my smartphone. I was very disappointed it finally would not work after they shutdown the servers when it was discontinued. Knowing how clever and cost-effective Wyse has been, they should be able to do something similar for a resonable price.
Our only hope is out April fools because that’s not really funny that’s just kind of mean I’m a longtime user of the wise products ever since they ferry 1st came out I have about 15 total and this would be an excellent excellent addition to my collection of wise products so I really really really hope that is not a April Fools joke.