The “Wyze Car” April fools email, was not appreciated. Caused me to instantly Unsubscribe from emails. Its not funny, just annoying… too much “real” fake news in the world nowadays, we don’t need more noise to filter out.
We will see tomorrow!!!
If it’s not true I am annoyed also!
I hope it’s real , I built a version of this years ago with a remote control truck and a 2.4 ghz camera transmitter , super cool missions in the basement and the back yard
Bring it on Wyze team
I thought it was funny, made me think of the recent mars rover.
I’m old but feeling older. Everything these days is offensive to someone and or getting cancelled. Lighten up Francis and come have a beer with me.
oh my. really? REALLY? I’d love to come hang with you at your house. barrel of laughs. I say barrel of monkeys but apparently the term “monkeys” got someone else’s undies in a twist. Maybe these two people should move in together.
Just because it was inoffensive doesn’t mean it belongs in customer mailboxes.
This is my problem with it. Don’t send me an email, specifically say it’s not a joke, then proceed to troll me. I try to tolerate April Fool’s jokes, but
- They actually are done on 4/1, not 3/31
- They don’t say they are being serious, even if they try to act like they are. They never say it’s not a joke, because that’s just straight up gas-lighting.
- They don’t spam my inbox with them, they do them on the website or in some other way that doesn’t annoy every single paying customer.
I agree. Not at all entertaining. I thought the Vacuum was a joke until they released it. Seemed like something fun to get rid of some pandemic stress. Too soon Wyze. Way too soon.
Yeah… all these over reactions… except there’s a car for sale now.
So, is it still not entertaining?
Ok. I admit, I was the fool! Lol
$18 shipping is a bit steep.
The email was real, I have my order in.
I tried to order, but hit multiple different errors (out of stock, despite showing them in stock, maintenance on the order page, and then finally another out of stock error when I finally got through the website errors). In that time the shipping went from free (as advertised), to $6, to $18! $18 for “free” shipping?? I don’t know what is going on, but it’s not very funny.
Hi, folks!
The product is real and selling very quickly! We have thousands of people on our site so they’re selling super quickly.
The shipping is that high because the box has to be pretty large for the frame of the car and we’re also shipping the power bank with it.
We had an issue where “free shipping” was shown when it wasn’t supposed to. However, if you ordered when that was displayed and were charged shipping, you should reach out to customer support so we can take care of you. We’ll honor the shipping charge that was displayed.