I have 4 wyze outdoor cams installed and their monitoring service for over a year. For the most part, the cameras have been working fine and recording and sending notifications. But for last few week, 1 of the cameras stopped recording and sending notifications all together. Another camera stopped recording persons (it records and sends notifications for sound/motion) fine.
I checked the FW, APP level, stopped/restarted the recording/notifications, turned off the cameras, turned them on again to no avail. I have contacted wyze support and sent them logs.
Any other suggestions to get these cameras working?
One of my cameras stopped recording smart detection events. It detected a “pet” the last time but nothing more after that, even I though I know there were several that should have recorded after that point, 5 hours later and still nothing.
There have been instances like this in the past but for very short periods of time. Is this going to be the norm from now on?
Signals are good, Filters are unchanged, cameras are connected, FW is updated, App is updated and forced closed and opened, cameras have been turned off and on. And one of those are recording motion and sound but not person.
Are you using smart detections? If so try changing to all motion, if you start getting recordings and alerts, then it points to either the camera not having a good view of the objects in order to determine what they are, or an issue with your wifi or internet that is preventing the images from uploading to wyze in a timely fashion for analysis. If you have lots of motion, it needs to upload lots of images, and that can cause a backlog if your network can’t keep up. If that is the case, then using things like detection zone etc can reduce the amount it needs to analyze.
Thanks - its very useful. I changed to all motion and I get that. As is the cameras record at times - these used to work till about 6 months ago and now are unreliable. I tried all things except removing and re-adding these cameras o replacing these with Simplisafe cameras.
But I will try to reset the cameras and adjust the detection zone setting to see if these things make a difference.
If it worked before and nothing else has changed, have you tried the “reset services” option on the camera(s) that aren’t working? You’ll need to go in and uncheck the smart detections you don’t want again after doing that, but no big deal.
If something has changed (new internet service, new router, maybe some new bluetooth devices, etc) that’s where you would want to focus. Of course that isn’t always easy to know, someone moving in nearby with a mesh wifi system could have added a lot of interference etc.
Thanks guys. I am going to try to reset service and the delete cameras and re-add those. And if not, will move on
Like I said before, nothing has changed in my end and the cameras started behaving unpredictably for the last few months. Sometimes they record and send notifications and sometimes they don’t. All the usual troubleshooting steps have been taken, logs have been sent to wyze, calls / emails have been exchanged. It will be scary and concerning if a neighbors Wi-Fi can render my system ineffective
Interference and congestion on the 2.4ghz band is nothing new or all that concerning. Just a limitation of the original wifi design from 30ish years ago.
Are they on the same channel as your network? Might need a Wi-Fi scanner app to see what channel they’re on and if it’s the same as yours as least you can try to change your channel.
oh dear. This is an interesting twist. These cameras are installed around an independent house and not in an apartment complex where various wifi routers are tripping over each other. Just thought I would mention that.
I just wonder if anyone else has had this problem? I am not planning to change my wifi or any such thing. I will try to reset the wyze cameras - if these remain flaky, I will just toss them and replace with something that may be more reliable. Wyze cameras are easy and in place so I hate to lose them but what can you do.