Anyone else had trouble updating?
Its bricked all my devices. (logs are here: ticket number 36596)
I’ve power cycled them and no change.
I’ve yet to reinstall the previous firmware, but thats kinda my last step as it wipes all my settings, config, etc.
Yep i got the same issue. Bricked all mine, tried power cycle and nothing changed. They get stick on the flashing blue light. I dont know how to downgrade on the beta program
Ticket raised 36615. All devices are bricked, cant connect and not sure how to revert. Any ideas?
Power cycled
Tried factory reset
Tried using demo.bin from sd card (that didnt do anything) - using firmware
Not sure what else but until a response from here really.
Advice is to hold off cause this does cause some bricks.
Damn, that was my plan B to bring them back up was to flash from the demo.bin files. Altho, seems odd how it didnt work? I’ve yet to try but will edit this when I have.
All good here. One of my v2’s froze while updating, forcing me to pull the power, but came back up with the new firmware installed. But that cam always has trouble with firmware updates.
I haven’t seen any difference going from 160 to 174 other than the the new know error where it fails to upload a clip. Still getting the old “no fragment” error.
@NumberOne I just submitted the log ( 36738 ). Also FYI, even though I got the error, I was able to exit and tap the video again and it played the second time