Wyze Cam V3 only recording about 50% of events

I walk out of my front door and 8 minutes later walk back in. Both events were recorded. In the middle of that time period, Amazon came by and dropped off a package. Neither cam picked up the driver delivering the package or his van in the driveway. This is starting to happen all of the time now. Is this the punishment for dropping cam plus? I dropped cam plus because it too is unreliable, too many false positives. I have 11 Wyze Cams and I’m starting to find them unreliable as monitoring or security devices.


You dropped Cam Plus? That’s to be expected. The 5-minute cool down is back.


That’s correct remember the cool down time is 3 minutes between recording, unless you have cam + there’s no cool down time,we have cam + on 34 of our site cams

Five minutes actually (not three minutes) is the cooldown for event recording when using the Wyze free cloud storage. In other words, it is behaving exactly as it should.
Solutions are to record locally to the uSD card - either events only or continuously. Personally I have 64GB uSD cards in every one of my Wyze cameras that are set to continuous recording. Additionally, most of my V2 and both Pan cameras are flashed for RTSP and are recorded by BlueIris software running on my file server. Anxiously awaiting RTSP for the V3 cameras.


I too, finding the system no longer reliable. I have purchase at lease 30 camera…
Now looking for a reliable system…. It seems to be the latest update….
I will be testing other camera

I did 2 hours with Wyze tech support! I’ll never recover my time lost to fix the issue of their new update.

I will never recommend Wyze products again.

I would give two cameras to strangers knowing it would make A difference and knees and Security.

Since the new update, two other people have unplug the cameras and put them in the closet. They said it was not worth the headache of calling tech-support to get a product that used to work fine.

I too agree it’s not worth trying to fix a product that worked fine. I will support blink cameras that are headache free, I recommend playing to all followers.