Wyze Cam V3 Has Unstable Network Connection

Recently after having the OTA update fail I had to do a manual firmware update on my Cam V3. After doing this I was relieved to have my Camera back online but the problem is now my Internet connection to it has become very unstable.
It shows a maximum signal on the strength meter but the connection speed constantly drops to zero for a few seconds before bouncing back up only to repeat the same thing again and again.
It’s pretty much become unreliable for a Security Cam and as much as I like Wyze it has me considering replacing it with another brand. I’m hoping that someone here knows of a fix for the problem. It is no longer under warranty.

Have you tried enabling the Hardware Decoder in the App Settings? This shifts the responsibility of decoding the incoming video stream from the App software to the phone’s GPU chip. If the App is struggling for processing resources and priority on the phone, it should free up some resources for the app to operate and improve video stream if your phone has a decent GPU.

I’ll give that a try. It would occasionally drop connection before the update but it’s gotten downright ridiculous after the firmware update. I’ll come back here to post how it went after giving it a shot.

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I don’t know if you resolved your issue, but the same problem occured with my Wyze Cam 3 today.

Fortunately I had a new spare on hand, so was able to do some diagnostics by elimination. Ultimately, what fixed the problem was replacing the little Wyze power brick that powers the camera.

Even the new camera had the same failure to connect/unstable connection error when I moved it from my “setup” location to where the orignal camera had been operating for the past year.

The only thing I hadn’t done was put the new power brick in place of the original. Once that was done, the connection came up immediately.