The WYZE Cam v3 needs “multiple” detection zones or a “grid” for selecting detection zones. The existing detection zone feature is very problematic. It is “one box” that can be stretched horizontally and vertically, with the vertical component limiting how close you can move it together. Please consider updating the detection zone feature on the WYZE Cam v3 by making the more user-friendly. Thanks for your consideration.
[Mod Edit]: Title Modified to Enhance Search Clarity.
I agree with the need for a detection grid. My new V3 has been falsely reporting Person with one large detection area I can’t isolate what it is actually detecting. It is most likely the mailbox post or light post. With a grid I could isolate these areas.
A V3 detection grid might not help in your case. From what I understand, once motion is detected within the V2’s detection grid, the person detection logic searches the whole frame.
Presumably this same logic carries over to the V3 when it implements the detection grid.
I tried switching my V3 into my garage and an old V2 into the front yard where I get the false person tags. Since then the V2 has been detecting all the vehicles and hasn’t had a single false person ID. Both are on Cam Plus subscriptions. Not sure why the camera model would make a difference in the AI results.
It is utter crap that Wyze chose not to deploy the newer V3 cameras with the same active/inactive zone mapping grid they had for V2 cameras. This grid is also missing in the wireless battery powered Wyze Cam Outdoor. It seems that with each new version, Wyze decides to break existing features in order to test out more AI/human detection tech in hopes that you will upgrade to some new fangle subscription services, instead of using something that was largely working since V2 came out. I now have 4 new and more expensive outdoor capable cameras (outdoor and V3’s) that continue to detect incorrectly and I can not configure them to detect just the specific regions I want to avoid the crappiness of their current algorithms. I have been using motion detection software and cameras for nearly 20 years and can say from past experience, that region detection has beat AI detection hands down in every system I have owned when dealing with complex environments that have shadows, people, automobiles, animals and litter blowing by your field of view. They can still keep advancing the AI and people detection, but it makes no sense to eliminate an existing feature that they already support from usage in their newer V3 and outdoor cameras.
@Wyze Please Bring Back the Region selection grid to your V3 and wireless outdoor cameras.
Is there any update on this / when the grid will be available for the V3’s? Love my Outdoor cams and was really excited for my V3’s arriving this past week… But gotta say, they’re quite annoying with the current detection system based off being in a high traffic zone and how I need to have them mounted. The single box is entirely useless and I’m honestly surprised Wyze ever produced a function so daft.
I agree. Take a look at Ring detection zone. You can adjust the angles. The detection zone now is so cookie cutter. Zones are not that simple and I miss the areas I want covered and detect on areas I don’t.
Same here! I have 20 cams on my network with 5 of them being the new v3. Im shocked to FIND OUT that the grid detection is NOT enabled on the v3 only the generic box which is utterly USELESS AND POINTLESS! Cmon wyze
You can DO BETTER! If i had known this was the way DETECTION zone works with a v3 than i WOULD NOT have bought them. I feel like i have been RIPPED off! Considering i have been using whze for years and the grid detection zone has been out and successfully in use by me for over a year now. And one last thing whats with not being ABLEto find LIVE chat??? Anyone know how to get thru TO THESE GUYS in live chat. The system now is nearly useless. IM STUCK in an endless loop of predetermined questions and no way to find an answer to what i need answered that’s why i am here in and at the mercy if the forum. Like i said cmon wyze you can and SHOULD do better!
Hi from my experience if you turn on motion tagging it will throw a green box around what it determines as the trigger. This may or may not help you out with your issue
After thinking about this for a minute. I presume they removed it intentionally to sell cam plus subscriptions where they are offering the ability to send a detection notice for Catergories. Et al: person, package vehicle and face. My presumption is they sell You the subscription and than say hey you can chose what you want to be notified on and you can isolate that notification in events bye choosing the category you want the notifications for. BUT the other side of the coin is their system is still recording and uploading all motion every 5 minutes without a cam plus Sub or all the time with a cam plussub and upoloading and storing on their server which uses needless bandwidth and data both ways and needless storage space used by them! If we had the grid option which we know works its been proven in v2 we the end user could eliminate most if this needless recording uploading notifications etc. by isolating out the offending onject shadow etc. But no apparently a cam plus subscription is more valuable to them as it generates revenue than needless resources and time wasted by both parties. This is my opinion and observations and may or may not agree with others
Our platform team is working on implementing a grid system for Detection Zones on Wyze Cam v3! Since this feature is actively being developed, I’ve moved this thread over to our Roadmap. We don’t have an ETA to share quite yet, but we’ll be sure to announce details when we’re a little closer to release.