It would be nice to allow the corners of the detection zone to be outside of a 90 degree angle. I have a different product for my door bell and I can set the detection zone whatever I like it to be with all different points instead of just 4 corners.
Wyse did introduce a detection zone which divided the picture up into much smaller squares which you could individually enable/disable a few firmware revisions ago ( I only had V2 at the time)
But it got withdrawn, not sure if when we can expect it t make a come back
Now I check it on the app rather than my memory , I see it still works like that on my V2s but not on the V3
Not sure why that is
the v3 custom detection zone is currently in beta…if u download the beta app & then update the v3 firmware, you’ll be able to use the custom detection zone.
Any ideas when this will be out of beta and make it’s way into the main stream?
no idea, it could be several weeks, it could be just a few days
it has just been added to the main stream
When will this new version of the app be pushed out?
I am not seeing any updates available.
I am currently running
My android app updated, but firmware will be needed.
“Added support for a custom motion detection zone for Wyze Cam v3 (future firmware update required)”
Any update when the Firmware will be out to support this feature for iOS?
My 4 WCO have the grid detection zone which does nothing at all. I have darkened out entire trees and surrounding area and still get event videos of swaying branches