Wyze Cam v3 and Wyze Cam OG

They all have chips but can’t do playback all white instead of recording. Also notice all of the older cameras are one by one starting to do the same thing. Is this your way to push customers to buy Cam plus. Very disappointed I have over 50 cameras. What a waste of $. Feel terrible for all the people I recommenned this product to

Sorry your SD card playback isn’t working, I have not seen or heard of that issue before.

Are you saying that the playback is just a white screen, or does it say “no video”? Are there any errors? Can you check if you have “Micro SD card recording” enabled in the cams advanced settings, and make sure it’s set to continuous.

Also, when did this start?


A few cameras say there’s no chip when I know they are there. Others are set for continuous and they would rewrite after 9 days now nothing

Please refer to it as a SD card or properly micro SD card (normally written as uSD), not “chip”. Chip can mean lots of things…

Flat out: ALL uSD cards WILL eventually fail - it’s primarily a matter of how many write cycles. uSD cards that are not designed for continuous write will generally fail long before cards that are designed for continuous write operation. For the same operation, a smaller capacity uSD card will almost certainly fail sooner than a larger capacity uSD card. However no matter what uSD card you use in a camera, it WILL eventually fail.

You can check status of the card from Settings > Advanced Settings > Manage MicroSD Card. It should show how much data is recorded and total capacity of the uSD card. You can format the card from there as well, but if the card is on it’s last legs, a format makes it worse.

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It is a good chance the Micro SD Cards are starting to fail in your older cameras. V3 cameras seem to like 32GB Micro SD Cards formatted in FAT32. I keep a couple of new ones on a shelf for testing my v3 cameras when issues arise. I only use High Endurance Micro SD Cards in my cameras since they are set to Continuous Recording.

The question isn’t WILL an SD Card will fail, but WHEN.

I agree with the other comments. For a security camera that is continuously recording, it puts a lot of stress on sd cards. If you purchase a “high endurance” card from a reputable brand (like Sandisk) it will last a lot longer than other cards.

If your cam is not recognizing the card at all, you can try formatting it in a computer, and if it is still not recognizing it you will need to replace the card.

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The first set of SD Cards I installed in my cams worked great… for a grand total of 6 months and then one by one all of them failed within the next two months. I bought based on price, not quality.

The next set was name brand but still stock general purpose cards. These lasted only a slight bit longer before they started to fail.

I pulled every remaining working card and replaced them with purpose built High Endurance 256GB SD Cards specifically designed and warrantied for 40,000 hours in a continuously recording HD Security Cam or Dash Cam. These have outlasted the first two sets combined.

Out of curiosity though, are you recording Continuously or just Events Only?