Wyze Cam v2 used to diagnose furnace issue - what temperature can it withstand?

(Edit: I said originally I used my v2; actually I had used my v3. I swapped it later for my v2 because I don’t care what happens to it.)

I’ve had an ongoing furnace issue since mid-Fall; the furnace would randomly stop the flow of gas and then restart, only heating for a few minutes at a time. However I could never catch it throwing a code to determine what was wrong with it.

I decided to attach my Wyze Cam v3 to the front using its magnetic base, and peek through the louvers to watch the LED’s. I let it record continuously, and then checked it from time-to-time for events.

I finally found an event where it flashed an error code, 2 flashes. But it wouldn’t do it all the time, in fact only rarely. However that led me to check a few things on my own before deciding to call in an HVAC tech, who was able to properly diagnose and fix the issue, with this added information.

Video where at 4:19 you can hear the gas shut off and the yellow flame sensor LED go out. But strangely no flashing red error code.

Video of code flash below (6 sec):

I decided to swap out the v3 for my older v2, because I don’t care what happens to the v2. Unfortunately the v2 doesn’t let you view clips in Events, though you can go to the timestamp in View Playback to watch and record clips.

Which leads me to a question. What temperature can the Wyze Cam v2 withstand? I’m thinking of rerouting the USB cable through the louvers so I can place the Cam inside the furnace cabinet. That would allow me to get a clearer view of the LED’s, while also letting me see the inducer motor (which was the suspect part, and subsequently replaced) and also the igniter and maybe the burners. I would try to put it near the control board, as far from the burners and draft flue as possible so it wouldn’t see too much heat, but I imagine it might still see about 150 deg F. Not the super-hot temps of the burner or flue pipe.

As the camera is at least 4 years old and I don’t use it for much else, and I wouldn’t want to put my v3 in it, I’m really not too concerned about what might happen to this one. Anyone done any high-temperature testing or experiences?

I wouldn’t want to introduce RF/wifi noise to the microcontroller of the furnace personally.

As far as temperature of the camera, anything more than its rated spec of 104 F and you’re at your own risk. 150 will likely cause glitches best case and probably permanent death fairly soon. Fire obviously being the worst case scenario.

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104F, that’s the answer I was looking for. Not listed on the product page.

Yeah its buried in the forum here but not in the specs on the camera page. Newer cams do list that spec but not this one.


Of course it may work higher than 104, but it will certainly decrease the lifespan. I doubt it would survive long at all at 150.

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A few years ago I had a V2 camera in my attic watching a rat trap. While it was up there, we had a really serious heat wave (peaked at 117 outside). I have a temperature monitor up in the attic so I know what the temperature is. The camera finally quit working one afternoon with a measured 151 degrees in the attic. I pulled the camera and power adapter out and attempted to determine if the problem was the camera or the power adapter. Unfortunately by the time I could plug them in in the air conditioned house, they cooled down enough that both camera and power adapter worked fine. No permanent damage.

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Nice. :+1:t4: I also have a LaCrosse temp/humidity sensor in my attic, it goes up to 140F in the summer, I don’t think it reads higher.
I also have one in my crawl space to monitor the humidity in the summer, and the temperature in winter to make sure the pipes don’t freeze. I have a PTZ camera in the crawl space also.


Obviously a bit out of date :sweat_smile:

There is a heat sensor inside the furnace that needs to be cleaned. IT’s metal and in the fire, it’s either gone bad or more likely needs cleaning. Scrape the carbon off it and using a rag clean it off. It will then stay running as per the thermostats control.

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Thanks, yeah the flame sensor, already cleaned that though I didn’t suspect it.
After that and also cleaning out the flue, I had a tech out last week. He diagnosed and found it was the draft inducer motor (which is what the 2-flash code also pointed to). Replaced it a couple days ago, working fine now.
(BTW not using the Wyze Thermostat :wink: )

Actually not really out of date, as long as you have a cam lite account (grandfathered in) you still get that.

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Yeah I was going to suggest the flame sensor (thermocouple) but the other symptoms you listed sounded different. Usually that will cut the gas but the fan will keep running until it cools down.

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