Wyze cam V2 Error code: No Fragment

I have two V2 cams and I’m getting this error on both cameras when I try to play back events. “Error Code: No Fragment. Please contact support if this persists.”
The only way to get the events to play is “inactivate” my CamPlus license for each camera.
I’ve been noticing a lot of glitches lately with my setup. Sometimes one camera will just stop recording events, have to restart the camera to get to it back to recording. Sometimes I’ll get a “Failed to upload event” error. Sometimes I’ll get a 10 min event of nothing, like the cam just randomly records. I have two V2 cams and these issues happen on both randomly. When I first got these last December they worked great, no issues. Ever since they’ve phased in CamPlus I’ve noticed more and more issues. I’m all about new products, but seems to me Wyze needs to get the majority of the bugs worked out of their existing products before they start pushing out new products.


I recently encountered the no fragment error after switching cam plus licenses between cameras. Reformatting the SD card and restarting the camera appears to have fixed the issue. I was then able to play the event Clips without getting the error.


iOS App 2.15.41 and V2/Pan firmware 4.X.6.218. Fixed this for me.