My Wyze Cam V2 keeps dropping its wi-fi connection so that it sometimes does not record anything for a whole day. This is very frustrating. Is there any solution to this problem? My network works well with all other devices.
Stops recording to the cloud or SD card? Event recording or continuous recording? What troubleshooting have you done? What is in-between your camera and your wifi source? any other electronic devices nearby that may be interfering with this camera? Have you moved the camera to a different location ro see if that exact spot may be an issue? what actual firmware version is on the camera? any service on the camera? has there been events that it should have caught, that it missed? As much info that you can provide to help the folks here troubleshoot with you will go a long way.
I have the same problem. I have multiple cameras ranging from V1 to V3. right now two of my V2 pans disconnected from the Wi-Fi. This happens frequently with all the versions . I’m out of town. I cannot go home and unplug it and plug it back in. Is there anyway to reset the camera remotely? I would change brands but I’m afraid I would have to start all over again and wind up having the same problems anyway. It really is frustrating. I wound up putting two cameras in all important as back up. But frequently both cameras are out.