It is very possible that your card is developing read/write problems. There is a lot of discussion about the right card and formatting procedures to use for video. Here is a block of info on the whole topic. Personally, I take Wyze’s recommendation to stay with a 32 GB card, use the Sandisk HE card and format in a PC with the.association format program below. I’ve gradually migrated my old cards to this procedure and have had no problems with cards since.
Standard data cards are not designed for the continuous read/write of video and develop problems, and the cards sold by Wyze aren’t High Endurance cards.
In regard to formatting the cards, best practice is to format the card in a laptop device using the program below and the Full or Deep option which will overwrite/repair any bad tracks which the camera option will not.
Here are some resources:
Memory card formatter
Why use exFAT:
“exFAT is optimized for flash drives—designed to be a lightweight file system like FAT32, but without the extra features and overhead of NTFS and without the limitations of FAT32. exFAT has very large limits on file and partition sizes., allowing you to store files much larger than the 4 GB allowed by FAT32.
Difference between FAT32, exFAT, and NTFS File System … › difference-fat32-exfat-ntfs-file-system”