Wyze Cam PAN V3, and SD card failures

I have several Wyze Cam Pan V3s. One of them, is telling me I need to close the SD Card weather protection plug when I try and format the card.
Why am I wanting to format the card? Because the camera never sees the card for more than 3 minutes after a format, and never collects video to the card anymore. It used to work fine, now no matter how many different cards I try it fails.

I have swapped cards, I have rebooted the camera, (the SD cards work for a few moments then fail again), is there something I can do to correct this, or is the camera toast?

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Assuming you’re using new, good quality SD cards, try putting the camera in a bag of rice for a day or two, may have gotten water in it. Clean the contacts of the card before putting it back in also. Is it mounted upside down? If it is, unfortunately based on my experience it is no longer water resistant when upside down, especially if not protected from rain etc.

If it is under a year you can skip the above and get a warranty replacement.

Hi Dave27,
Thanks for the information, I have cleaned the card contacts, and yes, it is mounted upside down, and in the weather… It is also just slightly older than one year…

I will reassess my choice of cameras as a result of this… Thanks you!!!

If it isn’t that far beyond a year, worth a try for a warranty replacement.

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