Wyze Cam Outdoor Wakeup to Record too Slow

The time to wake up and record for the Wyze Cam Outdoor is too slow. I’ve read a lot of posts here and Reddit with the same complaint and the same answers. But nothing resolves it. My outdoor cam is at an angle to the primary coverage area so an object crosses the PIR.

The detection zone is set to 100 far and 100 sensitivity.

In the pictures attached the difference between a Cam V3 and Cam Outdoor is shown.

Is there another Wyze wireless camera option or is this it?

The only other one is the Battery Cam Pro. I personally can’t say if it is more responsive than the old outdoor ones. The battery ones have to conserve energy so they go into a lower power state. But the BCP seems to have generally favorable reviews.

The hardwired cams will have the best response time as they don’t have to conserve energy as much.

Go with a powered camera. They don’t have to go to sleep to preserve battery.

PIR works fastest when the motion is across the field of view not straight at or away from the camera.

I wonder if a solar panel connected Wyze Battery Cam Pro, when charging from the solar panel, gets any benefit to identifying as a "powered camera’ at that time, and thus doesn’t ‘go to sleep’.

I’m guessing that the logic to do so is not programed into the camera to do so.


The solar panel typically isn’t enough to run the cam fully so it would probably want to still preserve battery. I know with Blink cams when you hardwire them, they know they’re hardwired, it says so, but none of the functionality changes, they still preserve power just like when on battery.

Wouldn’t surprise me if the doorbells might be more reactive when they detect they’re hardwired, since that wiring should be plenty to run the cam all the time.

I would tend to agree. Battery Powered cams use PIR, they will sleep even if plugged in until they detect heat, The solar panel is charging the battery not powering the cam. Put the cam on continuous recording if possible and watch the battery go to 0% in six to eight hours from 100%.
PIR cams are all about position, side to side motion is the fastest wake up call. I have been using my PIR WCO v1 cams for 4.5 years, I know how they work best.