Wyze Cam Outdoor v2 is not working

For the past several weeks, two of my Wyze Cam Outdoor v2 camers have been constantly on and off line. The Wyze App shows device offline?
This is very frustrating to been offline.

Are the batteries charged?, Don’t believe what the app says about battery %.
I had a cam a camera a WYZE cam Outdoor v1 almost 4 years old that showed 53% and it was dead 0% when I plugged it in to charge it, that was my fault for letting it record to the SD card all night. It is back in operation and has been for the last three months. I charge my cameras when the get to 40%. Power cycle your base station and see if the cams come back online in about 5 minutes or so.
Make sure the LED light on the base is solid blue before checking the cams.

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I have a camera today and it showed offline after a wifi outage, it showed 85% battery. I brought it in and it was actually 0% now it is up to 1%. :upside_down_face:

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