I got this Wyze Cam Outdoor home and it says that I need a base station for it to work. Wth? My Wyze 3 works perfectly well without a base station.
The outdoor cam requires the base station to connect to the internet, rather than direct connection. Mainly, because these serve a dual purpose to travel with them.
The information on the website also indicates a base station is required. Where did you purchase it from? The base station requirement has been clearly stated when I’ve purchased them on wyze website and Amazon.
As @towelkingdom mentioned, the base station is required. The base must be hard-wired to your router or switch for setup, but it can be connected wirelessly after. The app will walk you through the setup process. Each base can support up to 4 cameras.
Please post with any questions!
Thank you. I got it from micro center on clearance. I like it well enough to go ahead and get a base station.
I was not able to find a listing for a base station sold separate from the camera.
Yeah, you can’t buy the base station separately right now. BUT I started with 1 outdoor cam, and I now have 3. They are kinda useful and mine have a pretty good battery life. Some people have issues with how the motion detection works, and there’s definitely a learning curve trial and error finding the setup that works best, but I’m more than happy with mine.
For me, I actually created an ifttt routine that triggers the outdoor camera to record when my ring Pathlights sense motion. And the other one I have is triggered if my back doorbell senses motion (though the doorbell is having issues right now, so it’s not as reliable so I’ve modified my detection settings on the outdoor cam until I get the doorbell situation resolved).
I also use my outdoor cam in travel mode from time to time to record my drives (in lieu of a dash cam). It sits perfectly on my dash and doesn’t slide around. Made a pretty cool time lapse video out of a drive once, too. But that was just me tinkering with the different things the WOC does. Lol
The Wyze cam Outdoor does require a base station. There’s no way to purchase only the base because there is a starter kit that includes one base and one camera. You can buy a starter kit and keep or return the add-on camera.
Thanks to all for your helpful replies. I will just have to have two cameras. It’s a pretty cool camera with the battery and all.
If the camera was previously registered by another user and it was never deleted from their account, the WOC can not be registered to a new account.
It was not real cheap. I might return it and stat over
I agree, return & start over. You can’t know the condition of the battery or any other problems.
Was there signs it had been opened before? If not, I’d say you’re probably ok and wouldn’t have to worry about it being registered to someone else.
This is the only WCO w/base “INCOMPLETE: SOLD AS SI” $59.99