Outdoor cam , basr station

I had a base station , but it was lost when father passed. The outdoor cam is srill here. But i cant use it. I tried to get a new base station, but wyze dosent have it.
They say out of stock at 9.99.
I should trow away my outdoor can? No, i need a base station. Any ideas?

If the original base station is gone for good, then most likely this camera is useless. You can switch cameras to different base stations but you must first delete the camera from the original base station, WHEN ITS ONLINE. If you try to delete it now there will be no way to inform the camera of this update, and it won’t let you pair it with a new base. This is a theft prevention feature, to make it so people can’t steal and resell the cameras, but unfortunately it can lead to situations like this.


You could use the camera by itself with a “travel mode”.

But like @IEatBeans stated, depending on its status and if it was installed on the other base, it’s use with another base may be unable to happen due to its “theft feature”.


I have the original base station but outdoor cameras are dead/no longer able to charge. If I buy new cameras can I still I use the old/original base station. (2021) Starter kits / base stations have been out of stock for a while. Is there a new product that is replacing base stations? How are new customers using Wyze without base stations?
Any help or recommendations is appreciated. Thanks so much!

I don’t know if you can even buy a cam as a standalone cam and use your original base. The base would work if it has not been deleted from the app while it was off line.
Maybe you could find a single cam/cams at someplace other than WYZE like Home Depot? The base works with both the version one and version two WYZE cam outdoor.
My people have been using the Battery Cam Pro or plug in cameras.
My four Version One WYZE Outdoor cams have been working since November 2020 and when they finally die I will not get anymore battery powered cams.
None of the plug in cams need a base station but you have to be able to power them up from an outlet someplace.


Yes, the base station should work with new standalone cameras. Just delete the old cameras from the base station (WARNING: This will BRICK the deleted cameras forever. Only do this if they are for sure dead) and add the new ones. You can purchase individual “Wyze Cam Outdoor v2” cameras if they are in stock.

The newer model is the “Battery Cam Pro”. It’s a bit more expensive but well worth it in my opinion. The WCOs you have are getting pretty old and if you are purchasing more I would go with the newer BCP model. It also does not use a base, just WiFi.

I also have the battery cam pro and I am not happy. I’m retired and cannot afford the cam + and therefor my camera is useless. Yes I have a memory card and the only way I can view what is on the memory card is to physically remove it and view on my computer. I’ve been with Wyze since their early days and I’m leaving.

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Are you not able to view the SD card from the app?

Most users who don’t have a subscription do this:
View event thumbnails via the events tab. Find an interesting event, then click the playback button at the bottom of it. This will jump to the correct spot on the SD card, so you can watch the full video for as long as you need. It’s not as easy as with cloud event videos, but it’s definitely a viable alternative.

I’ve tried that but I only get a generic out of focus video.

Do you have continuous recording enabled in the cameras advanced settings?

I have set to motion only.

Try enabling continuous recording to ensure video is always available beyond the cloud event

Will do. Thought that would eat up the battery run time though.

Well I tried the continuous recording last night and went from 70% to 15% battery overnight. I would have to recharge battery every day doing this.

I think @IEatBeans was just suggesting a test to see if the camera would record to the SD and if you could play it back in the continuous mode.

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