Wyze Cam OG Telephoto?

The OGs can pip themselves so if you had another OGT you could pip with that or the OGS.

I know that and if I had another OG camera I would use it but I see no reason to buy another one, just for that feature, when I already have a bunch of the V3ā€™s. This is why I asked my question if here was a way to get a V3 to do the PIP. So Iā€™m guessing itā€™s a no then.

Correct, only OG cams have that feature.

Otherwise, the alternative is to just put them in camera groups.

Although there are a few cameras that have a true true picture in picture option that will allow the video stream to stay On the front of your view, even if you switch to other apps. Thatā€™s kind of cool. I know the floodlight Pro and the battery cam pro so that and you have one of those, so you can see what thatā€™s like, But that doesnā€™t help with this model. For the OG cam, youā€™ll pretty much have to put it in a camera group to see more than one at a time.

Not really that big of thing, I was just wondering if it was possible. With the new app I can see 2 cameras at once anyway on my phone. I just wish the Telephoto didnā€™t have such a tall mount because I want to mount it right next the V3, instead of on top off each other. It will look goofy having one camera flush with my garage eave and the other hanging lower. I have to use a mount because I need to be able to swivel it into position. I really wish Wyze used the same mount that is on their other cameras, so I could have just taken one off of an older V2.

Yeah, lots of people gave them similar feedback about the mount, but they said they were trying to make the OG as affordable as possible and using a different mount saved them $0.50. They were trying hard to make it their entry level camera.

Hard to believe this mount was less expensive saving them $0.50 on the camera. I think I would have paid the extra for a better mount. Instead leave out those stickers, which are the first things I throw away.

I much prefer that over PIP anyway. I have all my cams in a group, rotate the screen sideways, can see 4 quadrants. Swipe left and see the next 4.

The OGs load very fast after the last firmware update, my Pan v3s are a bit slower but not bad. Only thing Iā€™ve noticed, and it is likely my older phone, is if you first bring up your favorites, then go to a cam group, then rotate the screen, sometimes it either takes a while to start streaming or seems to never start and I have to close and re-open the app. Could be due to the fact that they all stream through Wyze servers even at home too.

Thatā€™s also an android feature, Iā€™ve never tried it with the Wyze app though (I actually disabled the feature completely as I found it annoying, it wanted to default to that for many apps when you exited them).

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Thatā€™s weird, I much prefer the OG mount to the v3/v4 (I donā€™t need a magnetic base), I find it much more flexible and it feels stronger too. The stack kit ended up being a bit of a disappointment, the power cable isnā€™t flat so canā€™t run it out a window (plus the length past the splitter is really long so excess cable to try and hide) and the top cam doesnā€™t allow as much adjustment. I actually extended the notch a bit to allow it to angle down more. And removing the SD card from the top one without messing up the angle is a bit of a surgical intervention. Have to carefully slide the top cam out, remove the card, put it back in, slide it back in without jarring the angle. But I am using it (along with the individual flat cables since I have it. If I did it again, Iā€™d just use the two camera mounts.

I couldnā€™t decide so originally bought a couple OGs and a v3, and I like the OGs better in every way, the v3 went back. Only thing I donā€™t like on the OGs is when viewing in landscape, there is no access to the timeline, which the Panv3s and I believe v3/v4 have.

In reality all these cams need more control when reviewing SD footage. x2/x3/x4 fast forward/rewind (which you can get with cloud but not SD), different skip intervals, skip between events when in constant recording mode, etc. Or even a time lapse type feature where it shows you like 1 frame per 10 seconds or something. Thatā€™s the biggest limitation of my system, trying to locate footage without removing the card, stitching the files, and using PC software to navigate.